Well thought have been coming to mind about SG and that it is a website that is more than just porn more than just tits and ass. that part is great. But its so much more. which is one of the reasons I enjoy SG. its pretty much the only website that doesnt bore me to death. Porn is great I love it you love...
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Yeah the movie KING ARTHUR is in the movie theaters today. Must go. Big time fan of the whole Arthurian legend. that is why I named my 2 stores Excalibur Collectibles. :-) love

So why do you have a hat that says FUCK BUSH ?? I have to wonder what your
motives are for having such a hat like that. what is it that you dont like
about our current president. what has he done that you dont like him. I really
want to know ??

I'm wondering why you care so much how i feel about our current persident. or why i don't like him. i'm glad we have different opinions, that's the glory of america. but really. why do you care about my political stand point when you are paying for a membership to stare at tits and ass. why do you feel you need to do that?
Well what a suprise. tongue love I just got my SG shotglass. now I can get falling down drunk. EL SUICIDO LOCO ARRR!!!
you needed a reason to get falling down drunk??? wink