wow cool upgrade to this website that I know i really should spend more time on but with running 2 stores ya know how hard that is. Just opened 2nd store so spending all my time there. anybody want to come help me in my comic book store. and watch it grow :-) need D&D PEOPLE, need MAGIC CARD JUDGES, need HERO CLIXS MASTERS would love to find a woman that is into comics and colllectibles and has a degree in marketing / advertising. to help in creating the biggest bad ass store in all of PENNSYLVANIA. my store email address is EXCALIBURCOMICS@MAC.COM lower case letters just so you know. and after 10 years of being self employeed I have finally arrived :-) got a rent to own property that will be mine in 15 years mortgage. and it has 2 , two bedroom apts upstairs. with 50's art deco kitchens in both and 50's fridge and stove. all pea green and metallitc pea green cupboards really cool looking
i was born here HAHA
i love cali!