Star Trek has been with us in one form or another for 39 years now. What started as just another TV show that very nearly never made it to air flourished into a media phenomenon that spanned the globe and five different decades, spawning hundreds of television episodes, a string of movies, and creating the world's biggest fan club.
Hey....ummm......I appreciate the friend request, but if you read above I have you bookmarked. You can do the same to me if you like. It's right next to the friend request button. You and I hardly ever spoke. Even now, with the friend request, you said nothing. I want to keep my friends list people I know in real life or speak to a lot.
Valentines Day a Day when you are suppose to show your loved ones that you care. Hey people what about the other 364 days of the year. I can be biast, since I didnt have a loved one on this most hated day of the year this year, which its why I hate this day Valentines day. Its great when you have somebody in your... Read More
Ich hae wirklich Valentines Tag, es sauge Kugeln, besonders wenn ich von meinem sen Frulein getrennt werde
I really hate Valentines Day, it sucks balls, Especially when I'm separated from my sweet Frulein
ok so the Philadelphia Eagles didnt win the Super Bowl. And the fact that the Pittsburgh Steelers sucked the last 2 games they played. But at least they are still very good teams. Better luck next year. and all you patriots fans can kiss my ass.
Bad ass! Bush is not a bad dude, hes just doing the right thing! It has to be done, an if no one ells is gona do it then, America shod! I tried to join but I have life long inner ear problems! Any way thanks for the comment.
BUSH FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know the guy you're thinking about marrying is wrong for you if he has no friends, your siblings don't like him, and his credit history doesn't check out. Sometimes the best words of wisdom don't come from academics or scientists with impressive titles and educational credentials. Sometimes the best advice comes from people who have been there... Read More
Damn the security was tight, very tight. glad I had my invitation and my passport with me. almost wasnt aloud to take my camera with me. good thing I was the one driving cause my friends that went with me had to stay back I was aloud to be in with the seats. for my generous donation to his campaign. but my friends said they... Read More
I am so happy today I am going to go to the Presidental Inauguration :-) I am so glad that George Bush has a second term. Thankfully John (Lurch) Kerry didnt win. I will have pictures to put up from being in Washington, DC
ok something was just brought to my attention that needs to be found out if this is real or just a sick joke. www.bonsaikitten.com If this is real these people are real sick fucks. And need to be reported and have the shit beat out of them. How could anybody do something as cruel and inhuman as this to baby cats.
Life is a shared experience that should not be travled alone, I am tired of traveling alone, with the ocassional hitchiker. what is up with people when you date somebody and then they decided they want to take a break from dating 2 days after christmas. So this is what its like to have your heart ripped out and stomped on the floor.
I am making the month of january in my store that 50% of the net earnings of the store go to the tsnunami victims fund. And have it posted on my windows that I am doing this. Lets hope people will come in and buy more just for the sake of giving to the flood victims. I am trying to do my part in aid.... Read More
I have been away from my favorite website for far too long. Well updating my journal. I have finished buying a new building for my biz. And the christmas season shopping is underway better than last year from what I am seeing. And the best thing that has happened to me in a long time is I get a chance to travel to the United... Read More
Yes I am so Glad that George Bush has won the election for President. Now he can finish what he has started and Make American better for everybody. Listen up Liberal scum that thinks people like Michael Moore are so cool, and Other liberals you tried your best to discredit and humiliate and try to strong arm people into voting for Scary Kerry and it... Read More