I am a pretty mean person... especially when I drink whiskey. When will I ever learn my lesson? tsk tsk. And somehow I make people do things. sigh. Not exactly with force but my suggestions can be quite persuasive to a point where a guy will execute my command only to return like an anxious puppy eagerly waiting praise and admiration... Apparently, last night, I grew weary of my newly acquired company of gentlemen, that I grabbed my friend and exclaimed, "I'm outta there. So bored, let's leave"... and so here it is Sunday and I had two missed calls. Fuck! Did I give them my number?? oh boy.
Also, if you ever feel like blowing $498.00 for no good reason, run a red light at one of those photo enforced intersections. Great way to "give" back to your local community. This price doesn't include the cost of traffic school that I'll have to take to keep this off my record. My very first ticket after 14 years of a blemish free driving record.
I think with my drunken bossiness, careless driving antics-- I'm just a regular badass. I think now I'll bring back my doc martens again and wear my leather jacket--- woah, and maybe start wearing deep red lipstick and scowl all the time!
Also, if you ever feel like blowing $498.00 for no good reason, run a red light at one of those photo enforced intersections. Great way to "give" back to your local community. This price doesn't include the cost of traffic school that I'll have to take to keep this off my record. My very first ticket after 14 years of a blemish free driving record.
I think with my drunken bossiness, careless driving antics-- I'm just a regular badass. I think now I'll bring back my doc martens again and wear my leather jacket--- woah, and maybe start wearing deep red lipstick and scowl all the time!