Demented Bunnies and Personal Grooming habits
Must be something in the air, or I'm in permanent "wonderland" cause in one day, 3 separate people that have no connection except for me, inquired my thoughts on being "clean shaven".. Not women, but guys. Is this a new trend in men's personal grooming?
Oh yeah, with all the talk of personal habits and genitalia, engendered weird dreams of demented silent bunnies (like in donnie darko except they were gray, pink and purple ones) following me around a desolate school. I, myself, wearing a maroon and gray school uniform. <--Thanks Mike for the discussion on that.. your ability of influence provided my last night dream's wardrobe.
Must be something in the air, or I'm in permanent "wonderland" cause in one day, 3 separate people that have no connection except for me, inquired my thoughts on being "clean shaven".. Not women, but guys. Is this a new trend in men's personal grooming?
Oh yeah, with all the talk of personal habits and genitalia, engendered weird dreams of demented silent bunnies (like in donnie darko except they were gray, pink and purple ones) following me around a desolate school. I, myself, wearing a maroon and gray school uniform. <--Thanks Mike for the discussion on that.. your ability of influence provided my last night dream's wardrobe.