The other day, I was helping my lesbian coworker decide what to get her partner for Valentine's day. She told me her partner's a huge fan of The L Word show and wanted to get the whole collection. Now my being a bluray advocate, to own a show on DVD is considerably obsolete as cassette tape player in your car... I toggle back and forth with the notion (It sincerely might be months maybe even years before she could get that whole show on blu) While pondering, I asked out loud, "Does it HAVE to be that show?" She nodded and said, "Yes, she's SOOOO FREAKING GAY". I thought was was just so random and strange... like calling the kettle black.
More Blogs
Saturday Feb 06, 2010
It's cold and rainy outside. I'm making thai chicken fettuccine and s… -
Thursday Feb 04, 2010
left class early. night night world! sleep tight... and for some of y… -
Wednesday Feb 03, 2010
Baby's got a new addiction I realized today that I have a fucking … -
Tuesday Feb 02, 2010
I'm a little buzzed on my mom's birthday night. hee hee. -
Monday Feb 01, 2010
I've got the cookies so you bring the milk! It dawned on me that I… -
Sunday Jan 31, 2010
Sippin' on Haterade I would say waking up at 345a daily and workin… -
Sunday Jan 24, 2010
Fuck Mondays Damn it! Why is it almost here??? I would seriously r… -
Saturday Jan 23, 2010
Hi. I'm Chiyo and I'm a Mac. Goodbye PC. For now, I'm starting off… -
Tuesday Jan 19, 2010
Expensive, Expenses, Expensive, Expenses!! These are the two words… -
Monday Jan 04, 2010
It's been a long time since I've been here. My reactivated account wa…