Victims of Marketing...
So I've been Christmas shopping all day (tis the season to go broke) and I stopped in my local Rite Aid before finally heading home. There were these two young guys in the deodorant/antiperspirant aisle. I'm not really paying too much to them as I am scanning the mouthwash section. Within earshot, I hear, (guy #1)"yo, yo, there it is.. this shit is da bomb!" (Guy #2) "Oh yeah? Shit good?". (Guy #1) "Yeah, Yeah, so good. Girls love it!" .. Then and there I hear a loud "psssshhhh" noise and glance up to see them spray themselves like crazy with one of those axe body sprays. Within a matter of seconds a large cloud of nasty ass stench of cheap cologne floods the aisle and consumes everything in its path. I hightail it out of there but just barely. I walked out of the store with the light mist of that shit in my clothes.. Time for another shower
Just cause the commercials shows tons of women clamoring over a guy wearing this shit, doesn't mean the same results will procure in real life.
So I've been Christmas shopping all day (tis the season to go broke) and I stopped in my local Rite Aid before finally heading home. There were these two young guys in the deodorant/antiperspirant aisle. I'm not really paying too much to them as I am scanning the mouthwash section. Within earshot, I hear, (guy #1)"yo, yo, there it is.. this shit is da bomb!" (Guy #2) "Oh yeah? Shit good?". (Guy #1) "Yeah, Yeah, so good. Girls love it!" .. Then and there I hear a loud "psssshhhh" noise and glance up to see them spray themselves like crazy with one of those axe body sprays. Within a matter of seconds a large cloud of nasty ass stench of cheap cologne floods the aisle and consumes everything in its path. I hightail it out of there but just barely. I walked out of the store with the light mist of that shit in my clothes.. Time for another shower
Just cause the commercials shows tons of women clamoring over a guy wearing this shit, doesn't mean the same results will procure in real life.

Especially when uttering the sentence "Yo, yo there it is, this shit is da bomb." 

thx for your comment on my set!