After an evening of ridicule and 2 bottles of wine, I sought temporary refuge at my friend's house not far from my parents. He's been living there with his baby mama and his newborn daughter. Seriously though, the whole holiday thing can be highly overrated. I've decided to spend the next holiday away from SD. Here's a couple of pics of me before attending the lion's den.

My brief moment of happiness.
So, here I sit drinking my Sam Adams watching movies to dilute the evening that was once a reminder of why I don't like my extended family.
Here's a pic of my friend and his daughter. He doesn't want to raise her by specifying her gender, so he refers to her as "it".

My brief moment of happiness.
So, here I sit drinking my Sam Adams watching movies to dilute the evening that was once a reminder of why I don't like my extended family.
Here's a pic of my friend and his daughter. He doesn't want to raise her by specifying her gender, so he refers to her as "it".