I am a pretty mean person... especially when I drink whiskey. When will I ever learn my lesson? tsk tsk. And somehow I make people do things. sigh. Not exactly with force but my suggestions can be quite persuasive to a point where a guy will execute my command only to return like an anxious puppy eagerly waiting praise and admiration... Apparently, last night, I...
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I think I have been freaking out this week. So much stress. The workouts, alcohol and sex don't help for release.. I've been fighting this cold and cough for over a week now.
48 Hour Film Festival-- COMING SOON!
So it's near that time of year again. The wonderful 48HFF! I am called by my crew to assemble the troops and prepare for filmmaking battle
As producer of the production team's projects, I have the beloved and stressful job of assembling and maintaining the BTS (Behind the scenes) so that my director can focus on creativity.
We took...
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So it's near that time of year again. The wonderful 48HFF! I am called by my crew to assemble the troops and prepare for filmmaking battle

We took...
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Heya! Welcome back... jeez when did you get back? Sorry I haven't kept up to date. I've been pretty absent myself. Life gets in the way as I'm sure you know well. Wow so you're a producer?! That's awesome. Hang in there xxo
It didn't take much to get back into the swing of things with the stress. While I had a very odd weekend, this week doesn't seem to be fairing so well.
There have been circumstances where I was reminded of my truest nature and realized that it's a defense mechanism that I don't think I'm ready to ever relinquish. I really need to ease up...
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There have been circumstances where I was reminded of my truest nature and realized that it's a defense mechanism that I don't think I'm ready to ever relinquish. I really need to ease up...
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Ok, what is your nature? What slate and why must it be clean?
the mystery continues...
the mystery continues...
Oh thank you for your kind words hun.
Stress has it's way of sneaking in when you least neeed it. That's it's job. My stress ties really well with anger, so any way I can vent my anger, I can release some stress.
Stress has it's way of sneaking in when you least neeed it. That's it's job. My stress ties really well with anger, so any way I can vent my anger, I can release some stress.
My little Mental Vacation is now officially over. Just fighting the last hours before I must awake to my "East Coast Hours" of 345a. It's been a weird little vacation-- up and down moments. But nonetheless, a great escape of my mental reality. 

I hate being sick. Such a waiting game for recovery. (sigh).
I saw The Crazies.
Everyone is getting sick! Sweat it out! And lots of sleep.
Everyone is getting sick! Sweat it out! And lots of sleep.
Demented Bunnies and Personal Grooming habits
Must be something in the air, or I'm in permanent "wonderland" cause in one day, 3 separate people that have no connection except for me, inquired my thoughts on being "clean shaven".. Not women, but guys. Is this a new trend in men's personal grooming?
Oh yeah, with all the talk of personal habits and genitalia, engendered weird dreams...
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Must be something in the air, or I'm in permanent "wonderland" cause in one day, 3 separate people that have no connection except for me, inquired my thoughts on being "clean shaven".. Not women, but guys. Is this a new trend in men's personal grooming?
Oh yeah, with all the talk of personal habits and genitalia, engendered weird dreams...
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I'm an idiot.
I have no idea how I've lasted this long in life sometimes.
Enough said
I have no idea how I've lasted this long in life sometimes.

Enough said
After looking at your blog I must disagree with you, you are not an idiot. Your shopping advise is very good.
Awww thanks
I didn't know anyone read that! Lol! I'm seriously blushing in my seat

Dear Marty,
Shutter Island
Oh Scorsese how I love thee.. While this isn't one of your most superb works, it was very good and I love your continued work with your new "bobby", Leo. Great cast here-- and I love how you've got "Buffalo Bill" among them.
Keep making films.. and I'll keep watching them.
Hugs and Kisses
is Shutter Island that good?
I enjoyed it. But most of the idiots in the theater couldn't shut up about how "they saw everything coming" - no shit, but it's still entertaining, isn't it? Shut up and enjoy the ride.
"Baby, why are you all wet?"
"Baby, why are you all wet?"

Argentinian Malbec kicked my ass.. So bad it "blessed" me with the most agonizing and long-term migraine known to man.
Not normal to wanna wear sunglasses in my low-lit room.
shoot me
shoot me now.
Not normal to wanna wear sunglasses in my low-lit room.
shoot me
shoot me now.
I am a slave to the man.. no, correction, a slave to the bills.
3a wake up call for a 10 hour day.

3a wake up call for a 10 hour day.

If that's the case, then I'm a slave to my bar tab!