Hi all
Sorry for the delay at the fanarts T_____T I didnt forget it but at the lastest time im a extra-hiper-mega-ultra-busy man Ive joined to one art school (the ESDIP www.esdip.com ). Im going to the schoo after my job and it take 2 extra hours, for that reason my free time get vanished T_T
One of the lastest drawings ive done (as school training) was this Bellatrix fanart, one character of harry potter books (a bad, bad girl)
Pd.: I dont forget my pending fanarts but i cant afford those untill ill get a little of free time, sorry

Sorry for the delay at the fanarts T_____T I didnt forget it but at the lastest time im a extra-hiper-mega-ultra-busy man Ive joined to one art school (the ESDIP www.esdip.com ). Im going to the schoo after my job and it take 2 extra hours, for that reason my free time get vanished T_T
One of the lastest drawings ive done (as school training) was this Bellatrix fanart, one character of harry potter books (a bad, bad girl)
Pd.: I dont forget my pending fanarts but i cant afford those untill ill get a little of free time, sorry

gracias por agregarme, lamento haberme demorado en responder