Life is great... Last night I went and saw Life Aquatic with Max_Traffic and Violetflux!!!!! Wonderful, I'm a huge/big/big/big fan of Wes Anderson and well I'm one happy camper. I enjoyed every tid-bit of seconds, minutes, hours, and moment of that movie. It's like my heart glowed for hours after watching that movie. I absolutely loved Life Aquatic. Afterward it was followed by going to another party of friends who I haven't seen in a while and it was so much fun. Life is good; I meet some more new "awesome" people who I had conversations about French movies and anime with. (Just wonderful!!!) Hooray, God is good to have blessed me with simple experiences in which the pleasures of my heart are well content. I love it when the everyday things of life is just great, great in when it comes to the heart of conversations with people and experiences.
I liked the life aquatic too.
let me know when you go see a long engagement...