Clerks II, A Scanner Darkly, work, work, work, working late work, and hanging at home. I've been so busy with life lately since I got back from New York The second job hunt thing is going hopeful and we'lll see what will happen next. My week this week so far consist of working late hours so I really don't have a social life after work, but this Friday I will squeeze time for a date. 
It's kind of weird I haven't been on a formal date in a while. This guy seems pretty sweet, he's going to be an elementary school teacher this fall and is quite young. The funny thing is I'm freaking out a bit. I'm quite nervous and I don't know what to wear. This Friday night he's taking me to Delux for some yummy burgers. If things go down south I'm going to leave early to go to Tranz or hang out with some SGAZ kats at Jupes. If things do go well, we'l head on to the art walk and a coffee cap at The Willow House.
Gawd do I feel like I'm 16 again

It's kind of weird I haven't been on a formal date in a while. This guy seems pretty sweet, he's going to be an elementary school teacher this fall and is quite young. The funny thing is I'm freaking out a bit. I'm quite nervous and I don't know what to wear. This Friday night he's taking me to Delux for some yummy burgers. If things go down south I'm going to leave early to go to Tranz or hang out with some SGAZ kats at Jupes. If things do go well, we'l head on to the art walk and a coffee cap at The Willow House.
Gawd do I feel like I'm 16 again

Was that a question? or an observation? heh.
was that a question as well? because if it was then the answer is: correct, we have not spoken in a while. Give me a call dude.