I'm home finally after watching X-Men and wrapping up Outlaw Star w/ calmer_than_you...
X-Men ehhhhhh max_traffic warned me months before on how of a massacre it will be and well it was. The entire plot was nothing near to the beloved X-Men we all know. I told calmer_than_you that I'm not going to have any expectation b/c this movie was directed by the same man who directed Rush Hour and well meep... It was entertaining though. There wasn't much action as before.Everything was more plot base b/c the plot didn't cohere to what any fan would expect so they had a whole lot of explaining to do. Not to mention some of the outcomes were such a random twist for some of the characters or missing characters, I'm still disappointed a bit.
So to make my night more geek worthy I just had to finish up Outlaw Star and it kicked ass...
We had a gas station run where I bought a giant Christmas magnet of some candy canes that cost seventy-five cent and the cashier was so shocked because it's been on the rack for nearly 6 months no has bought it so he sold it to me for a quarter.
I'm a magnet whore so it was an offer I couldn't refuse. I just purchased some small Amelie magnets off eBay the other day too. I should take a picture of fridge soon and show off the horror. My day off was jammed back and now I begin the ewwww because I have to be at work at 11am today ewwwwww....
X-Men ehhhhhh max_traffic warned me months before on how of a massacre it will be and well it was. The entire plot was nothing near to the beloved X-Men we all know. I told calmer_than_you that I'm not going to have any expectation b/c this movie was directed by the same man who directed Rush Hour and well meep... It was entertaining though. There wasn't much action as before.Everything was more plot base b/c the plot didn't cohere to what any fan would expect so they had a whole lot of explaining to do. Not to mention some of the outcomes were such a random twist for some of the characters or missing characters, I'm still disappointed a bit.
So to make my night more geek worthy I just had to finish up Outlaw Star and it kicked ass...

I'm a magnet whore so it was an offer I couldn't refuse. I just purchased some small Amelie magnets off eBay the other day too. I should take a picture of fridge soon and show off the horror. My day off was jammed back and now I begin the ewwww because I have to be at work at 11am today ewwwwww....
but you shouldnt be jealous otaku's <3 you im sure