I nearly shit in my pants and screamed my brains out about 15 minutes ago I while I was watching tv when 2 birds flew in from my back door (that I left open b/c of the wonderful weather today). My living room has high ceiling, but the birds were flying pretty low and started freaking out b/c they were trapped in my house. They were slamming into windows and especially into a window above my front door.
During that entire episode I was ducking so I took one of the mini pillows from my sofa to cover my head and was freaking out, even screaming. The entire time I was thinking how I don't want to get attacked or get poked in the eyes by of them b/c that would be so lame.
When they were trying to fly into the window above my front door, I realized I have to get to it to open it ASAP and left it open for a bit. When heard all the commotion and bizarre chirping was still going on for a good 3 minutes. Then all of the sudden it stopped and I slowly got up to see if they flown upstairs to my bedroom (but my bedroom door was shut) and while my nerves were still on edge.
Over all talk about a fuxing bizarre experience. Fucking birds

During that entire episode I was ducking so I took one of the mini pillows from my sofa to cover my head and was freaking out, even screaming. The entire time I was thinking how I don't want to get attacked or get poked in the eyes by of them b/c that would be so lame.

When they were trying to fly into the window above my front door, I realized I have to get to it to open it ASAP and left it open for a bit. When heard all the commotion and bizarre chirping was still going on for a good 3 minutes. Then all of the sudden it stopped and I slowly got up to see if they flown upstairs to my bedroom (but my bedroom door was shut) and while my nerves were still on edge.
Over all talk about a fuxing bizarre experience. Fucking birds

Thats insane, what are the chances of that? I'd have been worried about getting crapped on!