I woke up early & in good humor this morning.
It always feels good to get stuff accomplished, even if it's not as much as I'd like.
The Plan: If I get my writing done this week, work on the branding project for work over the weekend, & review submissions & check up on the new contacts on Monday I should be on schedule next week to dive into the feature piece I have planned for the April deadlines.
Two days off from the restaurant makes this theoretically possible, but realistic odds would more likely be 2 to 1 against me accomplishing all of this. Damn. Where's that caffeine?
No, I didn't buy the new camera. I decided to stick with what I've got - an old Minolta x370. It's reliable & sturdy. I only wish for some of the automation that I'll be forgoing. If anyone has some used gear for sale for use with this camera over the next few months, drop me a line.
Or just drop me a line on occasion to wake me up out of my hermit like status that will apparently be continuing week. The computer's always on lately, so email or AIM me & give me a break, ok?

The Plan: If I get my writing done this week, work on the branding project for work over the weekend, & review submissions & check up on the new contacts on Monday I should be on schedule next week to dive into the feature piece I have planned for the April deadlines.
Two days off from the restaurant makes this theoretically possible, but realistic odds would more likely be 2 to 1 against me accomplishing all of this. Damn. Where's that caffeine?
No, I didn't buy the new camera. I decided to stick with what I've got - an old Minolta x370. It's reliable & sturdy. I only wish for some of the automation that I'll be forgoing. If anyone has some used gear for sale for use with this camera over the next few months, drop me a line.
Or just drop me a line on occasion to wake me up out of my hermit like status that will apparently be continuing week. The computer's always on lately, so email or AIM me & give me a break, ok?

i'll be at a konzert tomorrow - so happy early llove day doll face !
Happy Valentines Day girlie!!!