What's crackin' SG peeps? Having fun? I was all weekend until this morning when the flu caught up to me. So here i am awake early as fuck, bored and sick as a dog, what better to do than look at attractive members of the opposite gender and write non-sence on the internet.
So my demise began last week when my boss and sister were sick and chose not to quarantine themselves the fuckers. I was feeling fine friday night we went out to teppanyaki and had a mad time and feed. I was catching food in my mouth like a boss!

asahi beeru hai. arigato gozaimasu
So getting on the piss, smashing sake and walking around Canberra with insufficient clothing was probably not the best idea.
Saturday morning leaving for Perisher

we spent most of the weekend around blue cow and centre valley as there was less nuftys in our way over there

Instead of driving all they way to Jindabyne to spend a ridiculous amount of money on shit accom we camp at Island Bend campsite it's about 10km from Guthega power station on Guthega Rd. It's so close and easy for weekend missions and free. How good is free! Plus I love camping, what's better than talking shit, eating good food, drinking beer and getting stoned around a fire with your mates? I love the Australian bush I feel so good chilling out in the quiet with no one around and no phone reception for people to annoy you.

I tried taking a photo of a mad sunrise but my photography skills need some help.
What other stuff has been happing lately?

Life as a sparky in Canberra is always busy.
Been spending some quality time with my liitle mate Phoebe. She is just over 18 months and is the coolest little bugger ever.

She is so cute and my friends just announced that Phoebe is going to have a brother or sister in 6 months time. Heaps sick! Everytime I hang out with them though it makes me heaps clucky.
Cowboys tonight for monday night football against the Tigers should be good. GO COWBOYS!

Starting to get excited about the Olympics i love that shit. I found a training video of the Australian Olympic team.
I forgot how funny Eric Bana was before he went big time. Same as Sam Worthington and David Wenham. Fucking sellouts Gettin Square is so good. But i doubt anyone get's it who isn't from Australia. I mean American's had to make their own versions of The Castle, Kath and Kim and Wilfred. Come on what's wrong with the originals?
And then you go on to make Clash of the Titans??? I know money is good but that movie was so shit i would have been embarrassed to be in that. All right starting to rant better stop.
If you haven't seen Ajilee new video you should check it out. I won her comp and got to pick the song she danced to. Amazingly beautiful this woman with magic hips.
So my demise began last week when my boss and sister were sick and chose not to quarantine themselves the fuckers. I was feeling fine friday night we went out to teppanyaki and had a mad time and feed. I was catching food in my mouth like a boss!

asahi beeru hai. arigato gozaimasu
So getting on the piss, smashing sake and walking around Canberra with insufficient clothing was probably not the best idea.
Saturday morning leaving for Perisher

we spent most of the weekend around blue cow and centre valley as there was less nuftys in our way over there

Instead of driving all they way to Jindabyne to spend a ridiculous amount of money on shit accom we camp at Island Bend campsite it's about 10km from Guthega power station on Guthega Rd. It's so close and easy for weekend missions and free. How good is free! Plus I love camping, what's better than talking shit, eating good food, drinking beer and getting stoned around a fire with your mates? I love the Australian bush I feel so good chilling out in the quiet with no one around and no phone reception for people to annoy you.

I tried taking a photo of a mad sunrise but my photography skills need some help.
What other stuff has been happing lately?

Life as a sparky in Canberra is always busy.
Been spending some quality time with my liitle mate Phoebe. She is just over 18 months and is the coolest little bugger ever.

She is so cute and my friends just announced that Phoebe is going to have a brother or sister in 6 months time. Heaps sick! Everytime I hang out with them though it makes me heaps clucky.
Cowboys tonight for monday night football against the Tigers should be good. GO COWBOYS!

Starting to get excited about the Olympics i love that shit. I found a training video of the Australian Olympic team.
I forgot how funny Eric Bana was before he went big time. Same as Sam Worthington and David Wenham. Fucking sellouts Gettin Square is so good. But i doubt anyone get's it who isn't from Australia. I mean American's had to make their own versions of The Castle, Kath and Kim and Wilfred. Come on what's wrong with the originals?
And then you go on to make Clash of the Titans??? I know money is good but that movie was so shit i would have been embarrassed to be in that. All right starting to rant better stop.
If you haven't seen Ajilee new video you should check it out. I won her comp and got to pick the song she danced to. Amazingly beautiful this woman with magic hips.
League/Union has it's rivalry too don't forget, but yeah, from what I know it seems in Oz it's very segregated in terms of cities and what sport they favor the most.
We used to get NRL games on Fox Sports World (when it was the good channel before Fox Soccer Channel) here, and perhaps they show it on Fox Sports Plus or whatever it's called now, which has a lot of my old favorites, I'd have to check, but I can't get it here and when I move in a month I'm not sure if I can get it there, and if I can how much it would be per month.
I'm already shelling out a shitload for soccer, then include HBO/Showtime for Boxing...and that's quite a bit right there.
Yeah there are a small handful of Canberras on the site. Have you joined SGAU yet? We organise the occasional hookup on there. Cheers, I do my best with the photography, hopefully I'll shoot some more sets soon!