What's crackin' SG peeps? Having fun? I was all weekend until this morning when the flu caught up to me. So here i am awake early as fuck, bored and sick as a dog, what better to do than look at attractive members of the opposite gender and write non-sence on the internet.
So my demise began last week when my boss and sister were...
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So my demise began last week when my boss and sister were...
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Hello SGland how goes it? It's fucking frozen and dark and early here and I am awake waiting for the gym to open. Oh the joys of being a tradesman you get to wake up so early so often even when it's a Sunday morning -4 outside you still are awake at sparrow's fart.
So what's been doing anyways? I hope all is well. What's...
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So what's been doing anyways? I hope all is well. What's...
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Matching awesome phoenix tatts *hi 5*! 

So....a rugby fan. I didn't pay much attention to rugby while I was there, but footy became my obsession!
Yeah yeah i made 3 bookings today to start turning my dragon tattoo into a full sleeve. Earliest i could get booked with my tattoo artist is september 24th damn it is so far away. Ah well it's going to be ridiculous so it's going to be worth the wait. The studio i go to have made their cover photo on their home page a...
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Oh I know, I'm not expecting people to blog every day or anything...but when someone hasn't updated since 2006? That's a bit much lol
I have only frozen my tongue to a pppsicle and it was quite bad lol
Worst electrical boot ever today! Someone turned on a circuit i was working on and i copped it big time, lucky it was a RCD protected circuit and tripped bloody quick. Electricity is dangerous kids! I wish i could say this is the last time it'll happen. So sitting down at smoko today and we got talking about Induction Motors and stuff about electromagnetism. As...
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bloody apprentice's are doing my fucking head in!!!
thanks for the add
i get real creative with my iphone camera and my mirror haha. apprentices for what?

At work the apprentice electrician working under me just makes the most easiest tasks look extremely difficult. I know everyone makes mistakes but this guy is nearly qualified and is costing my boss so much many. Like last week not only did he put a hole through a brand new ceiling in a kitchen which ajoined a living room in a brand new house, my boss had to fork out a grand to fix and paint the whole ceiling again and it was just a careless mistake and the list goes on. Sorry tradie rant yeah those photos are heaps awesome i wish i could take pics like that
League/Union has it's rivalry too don't forget, but yeah, from what I know it seems in Oz it's very segregated in terms of cities and what sport they favor the most.
We used to get NRL games on Fox Sports World (when it was the good channel before Fox Soccer Channel) here, and perhaps they show it on Fox Sports Plus or whatever it's called now, which has a lot of my old favorites, I'd have to check, but I can't get it here and when I move in a month I'm not sure if I can get it there, and if I can how much it would be per month.
I'm already shelling out a shitload for soccer, then include HBO/Showtime for Boxing...and that's quite a bit right there.
Yeah there are a small handful of Canberras on the site. Have you joined SGAU yet? We organise the occasional hookup on there. Cheers, I do my best with the photography, hopefully I'll shoot some more sets soon!