Wednesday went well, I made 40$. Less that I would have hoped but you can't win all the time. I think I re-ruptured my double hernia from when I was real young, at work the other day. This goes on top of my shoulder strain from last month, I think I need to get out of the meat cutting business and pursue my dream job, poker dealer. Lifting all those heavy boxes has really put a beating on my body, and I'm only 21 years old. I should not be feeling like an old man everynight, right? I don't know, we will see how my doctor's appointment goes. Thanks for listening to my ramblings.

Hey man, I feel your pain. I don't do the heavy shit that you do but it still sucks. Having to pound the floor all day and go up and down a flight of stairs every 10 minutes or so and listening to every minor I have to manage complain they have to work 4 hours that day when I've been there for 8 and I'm not even done yet and then the ones that aren't minors complaining about the ones that are. Damn. I haven't thought about my dream job. Hmm. Maybe I'll go be a bartender in a seedy nightclub where people pay big bucks for you to turn the other cheek, huh? Ah well. Hope the appt. went well.