Ok, so hooray for having real internet again! That's always nice, I'm glad I can play my Xbox360 online again. I've played that crazy Halo 3 beta once so far, it was fun, I need to try it some more. It is free after all. I'm super psyched for Odin Sphere to come out tomorrow, games with such luscious artwork are so rare these days. Or the problem is, they have amazing concept artwork and so much of the style gets lost in the 3D transition. I'm really dissapointed that there isn't a bigger market for super hi-res 2D sidescrolling or fighting games anymore, now that the technology is capable of scaling up those sprites to where they can be super detailed. I guess the problem is the consumers, games like that don't sell like Halo does. Oh well...
Sarah and I watched 8mm this weekend, on a recommendation from our friend Garret. Son. of. a. BITCH. I'm sorry right now to anyone who really loves that movie but I thought it was a complete waste of my time. I already know that there are just some people in the world who are twisted and wierd and evil for no reason other than they want to be that way, I didn't need to sit through a movie to find that out. The credits rolled and I told Sarah that I really wanted those two hours of my life back. Bleh, I haven't seen a movie that I've disliked that much in a LONG time.
A ton of great movies have come out on DVD, I really want to see The Fountain, I missed it in theatres. I've been aching to see Arthur and the Invisibles again since we saw it in theatres, I'm glad its finally out to own. Oh and Pan's Labyrinth! Loved that movie.
I'm trying to come up with a t-shirt design to submit to threadless. I've never done anything like that before and I just thought it might be a fun experience. I've got a couple sketches, when I get something more finished looking I'll post it up here to get your opinions.
I've actually got a lot of little drawings and things I need to get scanned, some things I had put off because I was packing/moving/unpacking and then some older things that I found while I was packing/moving/unpacking.
I suppose I should start doing something productive now, have a lovely week everyone!
*kisses and hugs*
did you even notice i was gone
Sarah and I watched 8mm this weekend, on a recommendation from our friend Garret. Son. of. a. BITCH. I'm sorry right now to anyone who really loves that movie but I thought it was a complete waste of my time. I already know that there are just some people in the world who are twisted and wierd and evil for no reason other than they want to be that way, I didn't need to sit through a movie to find that out. The credits rolled and I told Sarah that I really wanted those two hours of my life back. Bleh, I haven't seen a movie that I've disliked that much in a LONG time.
A ton of great movies have come out on DVD, I really want to see The Fountain, I missed it in theatres. I've been aching to see Arthur and the Invisibles again since we saw it in theatres, I'm glad its finally out to own. Oh and Pan's Labyrinth! Loved that movie.
I'm trying to come up with a t-shirt design to submit to threadless. I've never done anything like that before and I just thought it might be a fun experience. I've got a couple sketches, when I get something more finished looking I'll post it up here to get your opinions.
I've actually got a lot of little drawings and things I need to get scanned, some things I had put off because I was packing/moving/unpacking and then some older things that I found while I was packing/moving/unpacking.
I suppose I should start doing something productive now, have a lovely week everyone!
*kisses and hugs*

did you even notice i was gone
I've been wanting to see Pan's Labyrinth for a while now...maybe I should go rent it.