So.......... hmm.. I think I've lost my blogging "skillz". I haven't done it in quite a while. I haven't even updated my MySpace journal in a few months. Like since November I think.
Well lets see, whats been going on with me. Sarah and I are still together and things are going REALLY great. She's so awesome, and we fit together like perfectly. Its great ^_^
I've been working on my art more and more, trying to be a little more serious about it.
I'm super into "Heroes" right now and I can't wait for tomorrow night so I can see a new episode again finally. I bought Sarah season 1 of "Lost" for Christmas, and we just finished watching it this weekend. I like it, it has its problems (like almost any show does) but its cool. Interesting. I hope it stays that way, I heard that it kinda gets lame at some point, but then I've also heard that Season 3 is really good.. so, we'll see.
Hmm.. what else? Ummm.. oh, I bought an Xbox360 this winter (I think it was new console envy, I couldn't find a Wii anywhere and the PS3 doesn't look that great yet), and I just started up a Live account, so, if any of my lovely friends are videogame nerds on Live, my gamertag is "OzBlacke" add me and beat me up at videogames sometime.
Other than that, there isn't much to report on. Life is good. I enjoy having my daily fix of sexy naked women again. and I really enjoy seeing all of my friends on here again. I missed you lovely people.
Well lets see, whats been going on with me. Sarah and I are still together and things are going REALLY great. She's so awesome, and we fit together like perfectly. Its great ^_^
I've been working on my art more and more, trying to be a little more serious about it.
I'm super into "Heroes" right now and I can't wait for tomorrow night so I can see a new episode again finally. I bought Sarah season 1 of "Lost" for Christmas, and we just finished watching it this weekend. I like it, it has its problems (like almost any show does) but its cool. Interesting. I hope it stays that way, I heard that it kinda gets lame at some point, but then I've also heard that Season 3 is really good.. so, we'll see.
Hmm.. what else? Ummm.. oh, I bought an Xbox360 this winter (I think it was new console envy, I couldn't find a Wii anywhere and the PS3 doesn't look that great yet), and I just started up a Live account, so, if any of my lovely friends are videogame nerds on Live, my gamertag is "OzBlacke" add me and beat me up at videogames sometime.
Other than that, there isn't much to report on. Life is good. I enjoy having my daily fix of sexy naked women again. and I really enjoy seeing all of my friends on here again. I missed you lovely people.

way to update!