ok ok ...sorry about the rant...even though i didnt post it.
Basicly...the staff were very rude at the pub i was at....taking my order...then after giving half the order...wandering off and serving someone else...then coming back and finishing my order.
That and the 50 min wait for desert...urghh.
Expect this journal to be updated later.....with ALOT more stuff...maybe my biggest journal entry. so if your reading this...come back and check again later.
So...the update
Ive been thinking alot lately about me...and decided that i need to tell people more about myself.
so....here is a list of the three things i think are best about me
And the three things i think are worst about me.
1, Once i make friends with someone...im loyal to them forever.
2, I can be trusted to be there for people.
3, i have a great cock....LOL. No...seriously....3, Im easy to talk to
1, Im a terrible flirt.
2, I have trouble commiting to one person.
3, I take ages to do stuff i have promised to do. (although i do get round to it in the end)
You may have noticed that i do lots of music updates.
The reason for this is that music is one of the few things in life that i really feel passionate about.
So whenever i post lyrics...its usually something that has meaning to me at that point...or something that i have in my head...and is effecting me.
A example of this below.
Leaf by leaf and page by page
Throw this book away
All the sadness all the rage
Throw this book away
Rip out the binding and tear the
All of the grief we never even
We had it all along
Now it's smoke
The things we've written in it
Never really happened
All the things we've written in it
Never really happened
All the people come and
Never really lived
All the people come have gone
No one to forgive
We will not write a new one
There will not be a new one
Another one another one
Here's and evening dark with
Throw it on the fire
Here's the time i took the
Throw it on the fire
Here's the time we didn't speak
It seemed for years and years and
Here's a secret
No one will ever know the
Reasons for the tears
They are smoke
Where do all the secrets live
They travel in the air
You can smell them when
They burn
They travel
Those who say the past is
Not dead
Can stop and smell the smoke
You keep saying the past is
Not dead
Well stop and smell the smoke
You keep on saying the past is
Not even past and
You keep on saying
We are, smoke
Ok..if i may...i would like to talk about sex,popularity and friends.
I think that im now getting to the stage that on here i think im pretty popular.
I have a huge friends list...so huge that i dont spend as much time with you people as i should. You all deserve a lot more attention from me than i give.
There are a lot of women on my friends list....and...being the flirt that i am...i do flirt and play around...(not in a bad way) with a few of them.
But...that dose not mean that i dont respect each and every one of them. If i tell you that your gorgeous...or that i would love to kiss you, its not just me trying to charm you...or get you to like me more. I actually mean it, every word i say.
I had a problem recently with one of my female freinds getting a little upset with the fact i talk to lots of women..and that i have a lot of women post on my journal.
Well...if your on my friends list...the chances are that yes...i proberly do fancy you...and yes...there are others i fancy...
But...if i tell you something...if i say your specail to me...then you are. I may flirt alot...but....if i tell you your important to me...or we have a connection...then you will always be a part of me...and in my heart.
The sex part.
i dont know why...but at the moment im really getting into domination.
It use to be i was dominating with women...submissive to men. And then..not all the time.
But at the moment...damm....ever time i have sex....i want to be in control...making the decisions....telling the person exactly what i want them to do.....or what im going to do to them.
Is it a change in my personality...? or my partners?
I think that SG has a huge effect on it...has allowed me to see that a lot more people are into this than i imagined.
I think if i were to go through my friends list...most..if not all...are intrested in this..one way or another.
It just kinda intrests me the change im going through.
Basicly...the staff were very rude at the pub i was at....taking my order...then after giving half the order...wandering off and serving someone else...then coming back and finishing my order.
That and the 50 min wait for desert...urghh.
Expect this journal to be updated later.....with ALOT more stuff...maybe my biggest journal entry. so if your reading this...come back and check again later.
So...the update
Ive been thinking alot lately about me...and decided that i need to tell people more about myself.
so....here is a list of the three things i think are best about me
And the three things i think are worst about me.
1, Once i make friends with someone...im loyal to them forever.
2, I can be trusted to be there for people.
3, i have a great cock....LOL. No...seriously....3, Im easy to talk to
1, Im a terrible flirt.
2, I have trouble commiting to one person.
3, I take ages to do stuff i have promised to do. (although i do get round to it in the end)
You may have noticed that i do lots of music updates.
The reason for this is that music is one of the few things in life that i really feel passionate about.
So whenever i post lyrics...its usually something that has meaning to me at that point...or something that i have in my head...and is effecting me.
A example of this below.
Leaf by leaf and page by page
Throw this book away
All the sadness all the rage
Throw this book away
Rip out the binding and tear the
All of the grief we never even
We had it all along
Now it's smoke
The things we've written in it
Never really happened
All the things we've written in it
Never really happened
All the people come and
Never really lived
All the people come have gone
No one to forgive
We will not write a new one
There will not be a new one
Another one another one
Here's and evening dark with
Throw it on the fire
Here's the time i took the
Throw it on the fire
Here's the time we didn't speak
It seemed for years and years and
Here's a secret
No one will ever know the
Reasons for the tears
They are smoke
Where do all the secrets live
They travel in the air
You can smell them when
They burn
They travel
Those who say the past is
Not dead
Can stop and smell the smoke
You keep saying the past is
Not dead
Well stop and smell the smoke
You keep on saying the past is
Not even past and
You keep on saying
We are, smoke
Ok..if i may...i would like to talk about sex,popularity and friends.
I think that im now getting to the stage that on here i think im pretty popular.
I have a huge friends list...so huge that i dont spend as much time with you people as i should. You all deserve a lot more attention from me than i give.
There are a lot of women on my friends list....and...being the flirt that i am...i do flirt and play around...(not in a bad way) with a few of them.
But...that dose not mean that i dont respect each and every one of them. If i tell you that your gorgeous...or that i would love to kiss you, its not just me trying to charm you...or get you to like me more. I actually mean it, every word i say.
I had a problem recently with one of my female freinds getting a little upset with the fact i talk to lots of women..and that i have a lot of women post on my journal.
Well...if your on my friends list...the chances are that yes...i proberly do fancy you...and yes...there are others i fancy...
But...if i tell you something...if i say your specail to me...then you are. I may flirt alot...but....if i tell you your important to me...or we have a connection...then you will always be a part of me...and in my heart.
The sex part.
i dont know why...but at the moment im really getting into domination.
It use to be i was dominating with women...submissive to men. And then..not all the time.
But at the moment...damm....ever time i have sex....i want to be in control...making the decisions....telling the person exactly what i want them to do.....or what im going to do to them.
Is it a change in my personality...? or my partners?
I think that SG has a huge effect on it...has allowed me to see that a lot more people are into this than i imagined.
I think if i were to go through my friends list...most..if not all...are intrested in this..one way or another.
It just kinda intrests me the change im going through.
all I can say is that I love your lyric posts, I just wish you would put the name of the song and artist down cos I dont always know the song
as for the dominant thing, I can sort of relate but I think my reason for wanting to be dominant with partners is a simple one, Ive always just enjoyed being an equal with the girls I have slept with Ive never been in to the dominant thing but recently I have been very emotionally charged, not angry just short (if that makes sense) and I want sex my way and when I want it with me in control, unfortunately I just dont get the sex so Im always left frustrated
Ok long comment ill leave it at that, talk soon buddy