so...ive been pretty bad keeping up with everyones journals to make up for that ive come up with this.
There is a thread on the sillyness board called.....What would you do with the person above?
so heres my What would i do with the people on my friends list?
(part 1....of however many it takes)
Abra - watch casablanca with.
Abyssia - go to a graveyard with and swap poetry.
Agentdoubled - Join a quest with on WOW.
AKSIOKERSA- Dance with while lullaby is playing.
ALLIE- take to see Cats.
AMBERGARNET- talk twin peaks with ( i miss having someone to talk twin peaks with)
ANTICUS- reasure him....and then dress him up as the wolfman.
Articia - Give a ipod to.
AWESOMEJOSSIE - take to a DM concert.
BABYBELLICOSE - Flirt outrageously with.
BLACKLAMB - Give her more of what she asked for
(in my sets that is
BLYTHE - talk comics with.
Burnt_Antichrist - Go see some stand-up with.
CARROTJUICE - Get a artist to draw her in the "strangers in paradise" style.
cinnamon_spider - spend 135 pounds on a pair of knickers for her.
DAKITTEN - get her to post more often.
DARKE - Have a night watching firefly and drinking absithe with.
DARKSPHERE - go visit.
DoctorRuthless - has to be a cinema trip.
ELVIS - adore and worship.
And thats it for the first part.....if your not on there yet....keep checking the next parts will be up over the next 5 or 6 days.
There is a thread on the sillyness board called.....What would you do with the person above?
so heres my What would i do with the people on my friends list?
(part 1....of however many it takes)
Abra - watch casablanca with.
Abyssia - go to a graveyard with and swap poetry.
Agentdoubled - Join a quest with on WOW.
AKSIOKERSA- Dance with while lullaby is playing.
ALLIE- take to see Cats.
AMBERGARNET- talk twin peaks with ( i miss having someone to talk twin peaks with)
ANTICUS- reasure him....and then dress him up as the wolfman.
Articia - Give a ipod to.
AWESOMEJOSSIE - take to a DM concert.
BABYBELLICOSE - Flirt outrageously with.
BLACKLAMB - Give her more of what she asked for

BLYTHE - talk comics with.
Burnt_Antichrist - Go see some stand-up with.
CARROTJUICE - Get a artist to draw her in the "strangers in paradise" style.
cinnamon_spider - spend 135 pounds on a pair of knickers for her.
DAKITTEN - get her to post more often.
DARKE - Have a night watching firefly and drinking absithe with.
DARKSPHERE - go visit.
DoctorRuthless - has to be a cinema trip.
ELVIS - adore and worship.

And thats it for the first part.....if your not on there yet....keep checking the next parts will be up over the next 5 or 6 days.

i am waiting patiently here.....