Each day this past week, I feel like my heart is being torn further into pieces. Every time I see a child..... At the tattoo shop one of the girls had her son in, about a year older then mine... I almost started crying.
Then today at work, my Boss's grandson drew a picture of a dragon for me because I had a dragon on... Read More
This doesn't sound good at all. I can only imagine you've lost your son by what is said...I doubt, but hope I'm wrong.
If that's the case I'm sure you hear I'm sorry all the time, but truly...I am..I can't imagine what it would be like. I hope you are doing ok though, and pick yourself up. you have too y'know.
anyway, just a random comment I know as this is my first time stumbling into your journal. Take care though.
well it's been a week now that I've been in delaware. spend the weekend looking for furnature, and working on chainmail stuff. Got a couple nice designs now to sell.
Moving into my new place today and tommorow, I'm about to head out and track down a bed and matress for myself today before going to work and getting my stuff from the truck, including... Read More
just sayin hello and goodbye, i'm heading down to new orleans for a couple of weeks. i'll get in touch when i get back. i hope things are goin better for ya.
ciao for now,
It's 5:19 am on a tuesday. The kid is terrorizing in my room, right now he's dragging my guitars out and stepping on them.
I'm single again. its' strange how when you make that important sep and end a relationship that isn't working out even when you don't want to end it, you still feel like shit afterwards.
Last friday i got the rose on my leg filled in, then monday i sprained my ankle pretty badly. so now i'm on crutches and painkillers. it's feeling much better now after a few days of course.
My son said " I love you" to me the other day! I almost died it was so tottally rad!