My paycheck just bounced for teh third time. I am so sick of this! From now on it's cash payments only I swear!

I sat at work for an extra 3 hours today waiting for my boss to get back for inventory. He never showed.

My bank debited my account an additional amount equal to the paycheck that bounced, so now i'm negative 200 or...
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Hope you get your money sorted out.

Sometimes cash is the only way to go smile
Blah! That really sucks! I'm sorry..

I saw Narnia tonight, just got home in fact. It was awesome! I am so glad I ventured out again after an allready long and exhausting weekend.

I'm soo not looking forward to driving to chicago for christmas. 18 some hours I think? Cold, stuck in a car.... ugh! Anyone want a lift from DE to Chi-town? you pay 50/50 gas and it's a deal!
hey babe, long time on talk to. i wish i could join ya for the ride, would be great to spend some more time together. i hope things are goin ok with you. you look great in the new pic. hope to talk to you, and see you, sometime soon. = )
Well it's official. I'm a Delaware resident now. Got my license today... picture is allright.. but they used my old infomation and put my weight at 115. I wish!!
I'm back!!

What a crazy couple of weeks.. and month!

I was diagnosed bi-polar, and started new meds. I feel great! not too depressed, and not out of control. Still not sleeping well.. they gave me a script for lunesta... but I couldn;t afford to fill it at 90$ a bottle. So they gave me trazadone... which is horrible! I don;t like it at all.....
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Welcome to the Halo!
Hello there!
Just read your introduction post, was stopping by to say hello... and noticed your sleeping problems.

Tylenol PM worked pretty well for me... and after talking to my dr. about it, didn't feel bad using it to fall asleep.

Aren't prescription medicines fun, and expensive?

I feel liek a cabbage...and no I dont know what that feels like.
tell ridge i said hello!!!!! i miss him SO MUCH!!!!!!! tell him to email me at art.mleclaire@gmail.com i wanna talk to him and i dont have his number, i have a new NY number that he doesnt have.

hello to you too! biggrin wink kiss

edited for idiotness blackeyed

[Edited on Nov 24, 2005 1:09AM]
hey, just wanted to say hello. haven't talked to you in a while. i hope you're doin ok.
wink smile
I went to a social thingie tonight... 5 people who knew each other, and me. I could deal with that, then I recomended a nearby chinese place that was good... the couple I didn;t know ordered, but it had pork in it and they couldn;t eat it.. so things got really awckward for me... maybe I was just imagining things but they seemed kinda cold...
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I feel like a zombie. slept all day then went to buy fish. The're pretty smile nothing like keeping dumb, tiny animals in a cage.

Friday I had a blast out at east end with gibrett, very sweet guy. Defintly worth keeping around. Otherwise, ran into old friends, had some laughs, showed off tattoos and piercings...

Today I
m bland. Liek a pale coloured rug....
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Yes we had a blast and we must do it again!
What a night. I went to walmart to pick up a movie.. as I was getting out of the car a 4 year old boy goes screaming through the lot into traffic. Iended up chasing him down and calming him down until the police got there... I don;t know why he ran from his mother, but apparently she was screaming at him and threatening to...
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Wow that is very abnormal for most kids. Something really must have been wrong. At least you were there for him! Thanks for the support and I'll keep everyone updated on what's happening I won't know too much for at least a few weeks on what is happening.
ugh. what a week. Woirk never seemed to end, and neither did the rain. Today is nice out so I'm going to RenFaire with a good friend.
Yeah it's been a bad week for sure but at least it's finally going to be nice for a few days! I'm tired of getting soaking wet everytime I step out of the ambulance.