Tonight we stopped on teh highway. Someone in a large pickup was cut off, run into the guardrail, and flipped on his side. It happened maybe a minute before we got there, but we stopped anyway. I called 911 while my boyfriend ran over to help. The driver was allright, but completely stunned, he didn;t know what happeend and was in shock, but otherwise okay.
It made me realize just how dangerous my own car is, sure mine won;t flip, it's too solid and low to the ground, but still.
I'm kinda scared to drive now. I need to take my sleeping pilsl and crash out. i'm just really unnerved by seeing that.
It made me realize just how dangerous my own car is, sure mine won;t flip, it's too solid and low to the ground, but still.
I'm kinda scared to drive now. I need to take my sleeping pilsl and crash out. i'm just really unnerved by seeing that.
What does one say to an update like this? I never know if you're supposed to stop for that kind of thing or not - although I've been lucky and haven't ever seen anything like that until after the police and emergency people show up.