So I've been failing on keeping my blog posts regular because I've been sick the last five days now. I don't want to complain because I know so many people who have serious chronic illnesses, but I definitely don't have a normal immune system. I get sick at least twice as much as the average person, and it usually hits me harder, and lasts longer. It's pretty frustrating. For example, right now I'm trying to do massive prep for my upcoming art show, and get ready to harvest my little mountain ganja crop, but instead I've been napping, reading, coughing and having fever sweats. Bleh.
This is NOT from my upcoming set (hitting MR in 2 months and 1 week) but was shot the same day, same beach, same outfit. I would love to shoot another set with my favorite photographer @sunshine but this stupid sickness is really eating up my limited free time. Some day though... I have these fabulous shiny red pumps and I would love to shoot in them and some red lipstick... and a bluer teal on my hair. We shall see. I hope you are all healthy out there, I know many people across the globe are also ill right now, so to them, I send all the healing vibes I can muster. Because being sick fucking sucks.