So I am officially quitting my day job, and dedicating myself full time to art. As many kinds of art as possible. Drawing, painting, nudes, portraits, mandalas, installations, sculptures, I want to do it all! And committing to becoming living art... SG is a huge step in that direction for me! My first photo shoot of any kind happened to be a hopeful SG shoot with @sunshine and it was so life changing. I have always been the one turning other people into art, never thought of myself that way. How enlightening to break down my own self-limiting ideas and to see the art that Sunnie made with me as the subject was so eye opening. Modeling nude made me love myself more than I ever have before! I am so excited to following this path full time, to feeling free enough from the strict rules about appearance that govern certain jobs to allow myself to be an ongoing art project. Phase one: Fun purple hair! I match my mandala business cards! Phase two: I want more ink! And perhaps a lip piercing.
I am feeling so thankful for the empowerment and self liberation that I am feeling and so much of that is due to Suicide Girls! Gratitude abounding to @sunshine for bringing me into this fabulous world and helping me make my dreams a reality!