Apparently my computer is full of so many pictures that I can't upload anymore. I am not tech savy enough to figure out this whole external hard drive thing. Damn it! I so want to upload some new pictures, both of me and my fabulous new stripey thigh highs and some new portraits of gorgeous ladies. I have drawings of @rosemo @rowdi @exning @wolf @acacia...
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It's Sunday and I am just about recovered from partying all night with Bounce Camp beach side in Santa Cruz. I danced my booty off last night, dubstepping it all the way! There were so many gorgeous ladies, I couldn't help thinking it'll be even more fun when we bring the SG party to Santa Cruz December 14/15!!! So in honor of dancing my butt...
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Here's few more from my first set with @sunshine ! I'm so excited to have the set posted, but I know that it will probably be a little while since it still needs to be prepped, and Sunshine is off touring with the Burlesque show. So until the US tour finishes and we have time to prep my set, this will have to hold you...
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I'm so in love with this picture from my first set by @sunshine that I had to share! Even though it hasn't been photo shopped or anything yet. Sunnie is amazing! Made me feel so beautiful and empowered!
So I am officially quitting my day job, and dedicating myself full time to art. As many kinds of art as possible. Drawing, painting, nudes, portraits, mandalas, installations, sculptures, I want to do it all! And committing to becoming living art... SG is a huge step in that direction for me! My first photo shoot of any kind happened to be a hopeful SG shoot...
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As Sunshine's new Santa Cruz assistant, I have recently learned to photoshop and I am LOVING it! What a great job I have! Close ups of gorgeous girls, detailed examinations of boobs, booties, and everything else... Yes. Life is good. I have just finished my first set (well, Sunnie's set) and I feel so accomplished! Can't wait to see it up here on SG!
This Rosemo portrait is still a work in progress, soon she will have tattoos.
I've recently decided to go back to school and get another level of formal art training on top of what I've been working with for the last ten years. This semester my biggest assignment has been a Visual Obsession sketchbook. In it, I am supposed to choose one subject matter and draw it over and over, in different styles and mediums, at least 50 drawings.
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