With moving to Japan for two years, I had pretty much resigned myself to RSVP-ing "no" on whatever stateside wedding invitations came my way during that time. It was to my great delight, however, that I learned this morning that one of my NYC-dwelling college friends is getting married on August 28 -- the weekend before I am scheduled to go to Washington, DC for a class. As a result, I'll be able to take a few days off before the class to go to the wedding. I appreciate his (subconscious) consideration of my schedule.
(Plus, it will be nice to visit NYC -- outside of layovers, I haven't been there since '95. I hear it's changed significantly since then.)

It isn't quite as well done as heathers, and it isn't quite as black. But it's a helluva lotta fun, and really hilarious in parts. DEFINITELY some Heathers-inspired moments. 

Foh of War. SOOOOOO good