This afternoon, I picked up tickets for next weekend's adventure: Summer Sonic 2004. I went to the Saturday session last year (and saw Blur, Jon Spencer, Blink 182, Cheap Trick and Hot Hot Heat), but the Sunday session sold out before I could get a ticket. This year, however, I'll be able to attend both days. I'm probably going to catch the two headliners (Green...
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For the first time in seven months, I'm going to be visiting the US. This is the longest I've ever gone without setting foot in the country, and I'm eager to get back for a bit. I'll fly to Alabama on Saturday for six days of business, and then I'll go to Pittsburgh for four days of pleasure. I hope that I won't be tripped...
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Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday! Enjoy!!

Last night, I had the pleasure of meeting Kyomara and Bunny when their bands (Uri Gagarn and The Secret, respectively...) played at a club in Koenji. My inability to master the intricacies of the JR system caused me to arrive too late to catch The Secret, but Uri Gararn were pretty good (after they overcame their technical difficulties...). Hooray for SG Japan!

YES. I was there the moment it opened. Movie is fucking awesome!
domo arigato!

My Asia Tour continues. I just made reservations for five days and four nights in Hong Kong. I'll be flying there a week from Sunday (May 23) and coming back to Japan on the following Thursday (May 27). Good times.

The rainy season is playing hookie in these parts! Woohoo!
I am not sure what we would be classified our last show, someone said we sounded a little like Shonen Knife...but I don't know! There will be all kinds of bands playing...I am really looking forward to it!
Yesterday, I found the following note taped to the door of my dorm room:
...Hello Neighbor
I live under you.
I meant to mention this to you a while ago.
I can hear you walking, even when you get up to go to the bathroom at 4:00 am.
I suppose you are a heavy walker.
I am a light sleeper.
May I suggest you wear...
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...Hello Neighbor
I live under you.
I meant to mention this to you a while ago.
I can hear you walking, even when you get up to go to the bathroom at 4:00 am.
I suppose you are a heavy walker.
I am a light sleeper.
May I suggest you wear...
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Elephant. Good movie, I thought, although I can see why some won't like it. It's really understated, and lets you do all of the thinking yourself. Also, the use of the hallway in MANY shots was really effective. 

you call in a bomb threat then run into his room and leave a bloody knife stuck in his bed then he will want to move out. problem solved
With moving to Japan for two years, I had pretty much resigned myself to RSVP-ing "no" on whatever stateside wedding invitations came my way during that time. It was to my great delight, however, that I learned this morning that one of my NYC-dwelling college friends is getting married on August 28 -- the weekend before I am scheduled to go to Washington, DC for...
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It isn't quite as well done as heathers, and it isn't quite as black. But it's a helluva lotta fun, and really hilarious in parts. DEFINITELY some Heathers-inspired moments. 

Foh of War. SOOOOOO good
As I am able to resist everything but temptation, I finally gave in and ordered the $120 DVD box set of the greatest TV show of all time -- Freaks and Geeks! I wonder if I'll be the first person in Japan with a copy. 

oooooooooh, i've always wanted to see this show!
1. Of all of the books that you have read, which one had the greatest impact on your life?
-Tough. Fast Food Nation was the beginning of my love for sociology, The Sandman began my infinite love for comics, and The Fall was important from a philosophical standpoint. However, I am going to have to say it's the Bible-- not because it forms any sort of religious foundation for my life, but because I have read it, and my parents based the way I was raised, disciplined, and allowed to behave almost solely on it. That's a pretty damn great impact.
2. "The suburbs are the worst place to grow up, except for everywhere else." Agree or disagree?
-Doesn't seem like it'd be bad, but I wasn't raised in one, and can't form a real opinion.
3. Line dances (Macarena, Electric Slide et al) at wedding receptions -- time to participate or time to get a drink? Participate, you self-concious hater of fun!
-Tough. Fast Food Nation was the beginning of my love for sociology, The Sandman began my infinite love for comics, and The Fall was important from a philosophical standpoint. However, I am going to have to say it's the Bible-- not because it forms any sort of religious foundation for my life, but because I have read it, and my parents based the way I was raised, disciplined, and allowed to behave almost solely on it. That's a pretty damn great impact.
2. "The suburbs are the worst place to grow up, except for everywhere else." Agree or disagree?
-Doesn't seem like it'd be bad, but I wasn't raised in one, and can't form a real opinion.

3. Line dances (Macarena, Electric Slide et al) at wedding receptions -- time to participate or time to get a drink? Participate, you self-concious hater of fun!

I picked up a nice deal on a 19th century Chinese cabinet the other day. It's an impressive piece of furniture, about seven feet high by four feet wide, with nifty Chinese artwork that probably tells an archetypal good v. evil story. I can't believe that I have something like this in my room -- surrounded by hand-me-downs and government furniture, it really stands out,...
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Awwwwwwww, thanks! I am so excited about shooting my real set!
Hey, you are in Japan. I was as well, about 6 months ago. Love it or hate it?
Hey, you are in Japan. I was as well, about 6 months ago. Love it or hate it?

The ten-year high school reunion was a lot of fun -- definitely worth the punishing trip from Japan to Pittsburgh. It was like the first day of school, only that we didn't have to go to class and most everyone had eventful summers to report. Heck, I even wound up spending the wee hours of the night at a "popular kids" gathering -- fourteen years...
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I do love being here... this is my second time this year, 5th time in two years.
I want to move.

My cand is called The Secret. I don't know how to describe us, we try for rock'n'roll and end up sounding kinda poppy like Shonen Knife. We play live about once a month, but mostly local shows. Maybe one day, when we get really good we can tour Japan!
I'm headed back home to Pittsburgh next weekend. The ten-year high school reunion awaits. I'm curious to see how all of the old boys and girls have changed in the past decade. I've been following the RSVP list on Classmates. It was a bit jarring to read that the 6:30 pm start time was selected "for the benefit of people with small children." I mean,...
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so where DID you go to high school? i'm a pittsburgh native myself, having never moved more than 3 miles from the house i grew up in.
born in the city, school in the city, work in the city, live in the city, die in the motherfuckin city...
born in the city, school in the city, work in the city, live in the city, die in the motherfuckin city...
were you the one related to Elaine in Pgh?