i dont know why, i always get pregnancy scares...
like for no reason, if im a few hours late, i think im having the next Christ child...
i need to bust a chill.
im actually GOING to school...well, technically, its only the second day, but im already doing better than last semester where i didn't attend the first 3 weeks of ANY classes, let alone the first DAY....
i have therapy tomorrow, thank god. blah blah blah mom, blah blah anoying.
in other news, im making plans for Colorado more and more these days. i dont know where im goind to live...ideally, i'd have a job i could support myself enough to pay rent with, but the idea is to SAVE money while there, so im sure im stuck in either Ft. Collins or Trinidad...
pro of Ft collins'.
its more of a big city, like i like.
its more modern, and late-night-y...
there are more than 3 main streets
its much, MUCH farther from Amado than i'd like and would inhibit the whole, 'comming to see you in a few hours' idea
...cindy might drive me mad.
regardless, i have a while to figure shit out i guess.
im poor.
and pms'ing
and feeling ugly
like for no reason, if im a few hours late, i think im having the next Christ child...
i need to bust a chill.
im actually GOING to school...well, technically, its only the second day, but im already doing better than last semester where i didn't attend the first 3 weeks of ANY classes, let alone the first DAY....
i have therapy tomorrow, thank god. blah blah blah mom, blah blah anoying.
in other news, im making plans for Colorado more and more these days. i dont know where im goind to live...ideally, i'd have a job i could support myself enough to pay rent with, but the idea is to SAVE money while there, so im sure im stuck in either Ft. Collins or Trinidad...
pro of Ft collins'.
its more of a big city, like i like.
its more modern, and late-night-y...
there are more than 3 main streets
its much, MUCH farther from Amado than i'd like and would inhibit the whole, 'comming to see you in a few hours' idea
...cindy might drive me mad.
regardless, i have a while to figure shit out i guess.
im poor.
and pms'ing
and feeling ugly

I hate therapy...it sucks and it wastes money. And I don't enjoy talking about myself. Perhaps you can tell me what the point is?