I LOVE MAKE.OUT.CLUB because, its a nice little place where, everyday drama comes at you 300X300 at a time.
in other news. i think im a drunk. i have been every nite for 3 or 4 nights in a row. i know i just spelled nite' two different ways, i just dont care.
to those of you im supposed to hang out w/ just understand, i suck. you must call me over and over again, as i am very VERY popular!
oh, so read this shit.
MOC drama, it ain't no thang
i may be getting beth a car thru a friend who's moving soon. w00t w00t!
in other news, shit, i forgot the other news...oh...um...damnit.
oh yeah. i talked to my dad for the first time in a year and a half last nite. he's a cocksucker. he's like, 'so kid, hows things' and i said
'well daddy, i dropped out of school and started a punk band, im dating, well, not really dating random boys, and im drunk at a shithole punk bar right now'
i cant even remember his respose. i only know i spilled the beans about going to colorado for my b-day, and how 'yeah, we should totally meet up'
fuck him.
in other news. i think im a drunk. i have been every nite for 3 or 4 nights in a row. i know i just spelled nite' two different ways, i just dont care.
to those of you im supposed to hang out w/ just understand, i suck. you must call me over and over again, as i am very VERY popular!
oh, so read this shit.
MOC drama, it ain't no thang
i may be getting beth a car thru a friend who's moving soon. w00t w00t!
in other news, shit, i forgot the other news...oh...um...damnit.
oh yeah. i talked to my dad for the first time in a year and a half last nite. he's a cocksucker. he's like, 'so kid, hows things' and i said
'well daddy, i dropped out of school and started a punk band, im dating, well, not really dating random boys, and im drunk at a shithole punk bar right now'
i cant even remember his respose. i only know i spilled the beans about going to colorado for my b-day, and how 'yeah, we should totally meet up'
fuck him.