My teammates and myself just before being disqualified at the Art Handling Olympics.
Important news you should read because it's important to me. I have a show opening at Work Gallery a week from today on May 1st. It's a cool space, but kind of strange to get to. There will be a couple shaped pieces and then a few of what I guess could be called 'more conventional' pieces. Whatever, it should be fun. Yeah, I'll lead with that. As I am a master of understatement, my enthusiasm about this show is maybe not totally apparent, but it really should be good and a fun time. If you happen to be around next Saturday night and want to do something in Red Hook before you go on out there and get your little self drunk, stop by and get drunk with me first.
Travel. I bought my ticket to Helsinki finally! I'm so amped about it (the auto correct is saying that's misspelled but I don't know how else to go about doing it)! I'll be leaving the US on July 9th and won't be back until August 27th. Other than Canada I haven't been out of the country in over ten years, which is just fucking ridiculous, so it'll be a good thing. The work for that show is progressing at a snails pace, but, that's why we have so long to work on it while we're there. In a related note, the original Under the Same Shadow piece will be available for full download from Vita Ignis: Corpus Lignum Blog by the end of the month. That reminds me that I have to get some art to them as a matter of fact.
Art Handling. We got disqualified from the Art Handling Olympics before we even got started! There were two qualifying races and our team was in the second. We went around the block to watch the first heat finish and while we were watching, our heat started. It was a bummer. However, we did have an excellent French toast breakfast and bike ride into the city, and we did get absolutely drunk and aided in the heckling. I'm also installing a show of late Monet work right now and will have to be at the gallery to receive crates from a courier from JFK at 3am this Monday. I actually kind of like working odd hours, just to break up the tedium of night and day if nothing else.
Romance. Dating is a fucking pain in the ass here in good old New York. I keep joking with my roommates that I need to get a girlfriend so I can get some work done. I only have so much energy! Sometimes I think I should just get into porn, thus making money and fucking people I don't know or have much if anything in common with, resulting in two birds being killed with one stone and providing me more time to get my own shit done. Anyway, the whole process is one extended rolling of the eyes.
Laundry. I need to do it pretty badly. I've been using the drop off service around the corner and it's fucking awesome.
Home and Residence. In unrelated thought, moving to California seems like a good idea to me. Living in New York also seems like a good idea to me. What a conundrum. I went and saw Ludicra last week and was just reminded of how much I like it over there, conversation with my friends from there is so much less guarded. There are a lot of people that I miss a great deal out there, and I don't know if it's nostalgia or something else, but I'm from the west coast and it may be where my heart is. I have a lot of friends here that I'd miss too. I suppose this could be seen as a lucky situation, to have so many good friends all over the country. On the topic of moving it's actually just a huge source of stress. This is all conjecture, we'll see what things are looking like when I get back from Finland.
Mad I did not steal them. Next time.