Dundundunnnn. New post.
Above is from my last night in Puerto Rico with my buddy, Grimaldi. I nearly fell off the roof that night. Fuck yeah!
Went to Boston this weekend and got a ton of work done on the sound piece that we'll be showing in Finland. It fucking kicks ass. If you're not familiar with Under the Same Shadow, which you likely are not, you can go check it out here:myspace.com/underthesameshadow. The only problem is that we construct everything in Garage Band and when it's exported to mp3 the sound quality goes way down. If you have any experience with the program and know the problem I'm referring to any insight would be greatly appreciated. Other than this I will say nothing more about the project, except that it's going to be quite an undertaking and undertaking is totally metal.
Things are also progressing in the studio and I'm feeling a little more assured about the upcoming studio visits. I'll be in a show at Work Gallery in May called Drawing Blood which should be good. I'm happy to continue the tradition I started last year by only being in shows with evil sounding names.
I'll be competing in the first ever Art Handling Olympics this Sunday and I have high hopes for our team. Admittedly, I have no real desire to become famous for art handling, but I do a fucking shit ton of it and, apparently, have a little bit of jock asshole in me because I'm looking forward to kicking a bunch of other dude's asses. I'm also happy to report that our team is a 50/50 split of men and women, I think we may be the only team competing that can say this as art handling is predominantly a man's occupation. So y'know, whatever, chicks in the workplace.
Hm, I'm lofting out another section of my room for storage, it should help clear things up a bit. Whilst doing this I realized that I have somehow misplaced and potentially even lost my ticket to see Immortal! BUMMED. However, since people are coming in from out of town to see the show I felt compelled to buy another one. Hopefully the original turns up and I can sell it. Also on the horizon is Inquisition (fuck yes!), Ludicra (awesome, though it's too bad Mayhem canceled), and Gorguts (suck it rest of the country). I'm also sorry to report that I will not be attending the Maryland Deathfest this year. Suck. Finland calls and I've only got one really expensive trip in me for a little bit though, so have twice the fun without me and wreck your neck for Stormcrow and Defeatist on my behalf!
What's your deal?
I just took new photos of deer bones and a deer skull I found. Very pissed off for not bagging & taking them home. I can go back but looking forward to getting the pictures off anyway. Also, my beloved abandoned house next door? The porch's roof finally collapsed everywhere, damaging the attached house's foundation to start ... I have been carefully taking pictures in between helping tearing out beams and stuff. Yay! Hella dangerous but whatever.
Hope it's all good there.