I'm just about ready for the move, which is good since it's this Friday. Unfortunately the apartment I'm moving into is not ready. Suck. It's looking as if I'll be couch surfing for a couple of weeks when I first get into Brooklyn. That's okay, on the upside I got the job that I'd earlier mentioned going down and interviewing for so I will, at least, be employed. This may technically make me part of the growing demographic of the working homeless and I look forward to this boost in my credibility.
I'm also going on the East Coast Camping Trip for the first time this year, I think it should be fun. For some reason I keep worrying about food and thinking that I'll manage to fuck up and not bring enough or something and then not eat all weekend. Plus I don't have a tent. That should maybe be remedied anyway since I'm going to be without home.
I'm equally anxious about not having a studio when I get there. Mine here in Boston is more or less packed up and shut down so I've just been working on some smaller, faster stuff on paper. It's been really good as I'm a little burnt out on making paintings anyway, but I'm going to be really frustrated if I can't start making some more involved stuff soon. REALLY frustrated. Like there won't be enough sex to make me happy. It's funny how that works, when I'm making lots of stuff I don't feel like I can have enough sex and when I'm having lots of sex I feel like I can't make enough art. Like art and sex are the best fucking things ever! No shit!
Also, the At the Gates show is about a week and a half after I get into NYC! There's something to look forward to. My 10 year high school reunion is two days after ATG and, while I thought about it, I've decided not to go. Obviously, both are once in a lifetime opportunities, but At the Gates were more important to me than the majority of people I went to high school with and that remains the case. Really there was never any question in my mind, but for some reason I feel the need to justify my decision.
Otherwise, I've been riding my bike and playing guitar quite a bit. I'm listening to the BBC and I'd swear they just said something about an ugly gay Bishop, but then the reception isn't so good right now. Some friends and I went to a beach in Manchester the other day called Singing Beach. Apparently there's a spot you can stand and it sounds as if the ocean is singing - didn't work for me. However, I was reminded that bikinis are possibly the greatest thing about summer. I also felt as if I wanted to start going to a gym again once I move. Not that I'm in bad shape, I think I'm pretty fit, but I could be in better shape... like before I was going to grad school and had time to work out.
I'm also planning on playing guitar more, I get really frustrated with my playing and general lack of ability at times. It doesn't help that my good friend was just in town and he is a guitar genius. No really. We went and saw Eliot Fiske and Angel Romero play at the NEC... it was awesome. Needless to say, I am not a brilliant classical guitarist, nor am I a shredding metal guitarist. However, I do like playing and want to be better than I am. I was talking to a friend of mine who is a bassist and moved here from PDX about playing some doom kind of stuff, but I think he's more interested in funeral doom than I am. Other news, more of my friends from PDX may be moving out here. Awesome. Okay that's it, I'm anxious about moving but excited and that's good. If you're Boston people and want to hang out, I think we're going to try and find a bar downtown that is rumored to have a mechanical bull.
I'm also going on the East Coast Camping Trip for the first time this year, I think it should be fun. For some reason I keep worrying about food and thinking that I'll manage to fuck up and not bring enough or something and then not eat all weekend. Plus I don't have a tent. That should maybe be remedied anyway since I'm going to be without home.
I'm equally anxious about not having a studio when I get there. Mine here in Boston is more or less packed up and shut down so I've just been working on some smaller, faster stuff on paper. It's been really good as I'm a little burnt out on making paintings anyway, but I'm going to be really frustrated if I can't start making some more involved stuff soon. REALLY frustrated. Like there won't be enough sex to make me happy. It's funny how that works, when I'm making lots of stuff I don't feel like I can have enough sex and when I'm having lots of sex I feel like I can't make enough art. Like art and sex are the best fucking things ever! No shit!
Also, the At the Gates show is about a week and a half after I get into NYC! There's something to look forward to. My 10 year high school reunion is two days after ATG and, while I thought about it, I've decided not to go. Obviously, both are once in a lifetime opportunities, but At the Gates were more important to me than the majority of people I went to high school with and that remains the case. Really there was never any question in my mind, but for some reason I feel the need to justify my decision.
Otherwise, I've been riding my bike and playing guitar quite a bit. I'm listening to the BBC and I'd swear they just said something about an ugly gay Bishop, but then the reception isn't so good right now. Some friends and I went to a beach in Manchester the other day called Singing Beach. Apparently there's a spot you can stand and it sounds as if the ocean is singing - didn't work for me. However, I was reminded that bikinis are possibly the greatest thing about summer. I also felt as if I wanted to start going to a gym again once I move. Not that I'm in bad shape, I think I'm pretty fit, but I could be in better shape... like before I was going to grad school and had time to work out.
I'm also planning on playing guitar more, I get really frustrated with my playing and general lack of ability at times. It doesn't help that my good friend was just in town and he is a guitar genius. No really. We went and saw Eliot Fiske and Angel Romero play at the NEC... it was awesome. Needless to say, I am not a brilliant classical guitarist, nor am I a shredding metal guitarist. However, I do like playing and want to be better than I am. I was talking to a friend of mine who is a bassist and moved here from PDX about playing some doom kind of stuff, but I think he's more interested in funeral doom than I am. Other news, more of my friends from PDX may be moving out here. Awesome. Okay that's it, I'm anxious about moving but excited and that's good. If you're Boston people and want to hang out, I think we're going to try and find a bar downtown that is rumored to have a mechanical bull.


i really enjoyed talking to you those few times we got the chance to. Hope you made it home ok, and I hope to see you again soon!

It was really nice to meet you. Funny I didn't formally introduce myself till Saturday. Hope to see ya around.