New Ebay auctions stuff! Please buy it, I need a fuck load of money to move into a new place at the end of the month!
In other news, Immortal was amazing, I had a blast with my friend and I fell in love in New York. Well, maybe not love, but I met someone really amazing. Too bad she lives in Kentucky. At any rate, I will post a bunch of new photos and more interesting and in depth stories at a later time when I have not been sitting in a cafe for two fucking hours listing shit on fucking Ebay. Talk to you soon! Buy my stuff or contribute to my spiral into homeless ruin! Aaaaarrrrgghhhh! FUCK!
In other news, Immortal was amazing, I had a blast with my friend and I fell in love in New York. Well, maybe not love, but I met someone really amazing. Too bad she lives in Kentucky. At any rate, I will post a bunch of new photos and more interesting and in depth stories at a later time when I have not been sitting in a cafe for two fucking hours listing shit on fucking Ebay. Talk to you soon! Buy my stuff or contribute to my spiral into homeless ruin! Aaaaarrrrgghhhh! FUCK!

Holy fucking metal, dude. One of my biggest regrets is selling most of my vinyl from the '80's when I started bike racing and needed money for entry fees and travel. I kept the important stuff, but sold so many things I wish I still had. I've even started buying a lot of it back now when I come across it. So think about whether or not you're gonna miss any of that stuff, especially the colored vinyl!
I'd like to contribute to ruin.