Everyone but me that is... I'll give myself some homework. How about my journey to becoming a hopeful?
So when I was 17 in 2007, I saw my first suicide girl online, probably myspace and was instantly obsessed with the idea of becoming one. Suicide Girls could be ANYONE, alternative yes, but not always, classy but not trashy. I wanted to be a model, actress or singer ever since I can remember but, I never knew where to get my foot in anywhere with these big ideas and a technically small town.. I was alternative.. septum ring, snakebites, extensions and crazy colored hair and only a few months away from my 18th birthday. SO when the big day rolled around I applied, was accepted to do a hopeful shoot and then sat on it. I had made it this far, so now what? Yeah, get a photographer but I didn't have money for that, and come to think of it, maybe I wasn't all that comfortable in my skin in those days. So unsure of every move, I was and at times still am the epitome of awkward.
^^^my 18th birthday^^^ what crazy hair!! OMG
Flash forward 10 years later, my 28th birthday this year. I got that wild hair again, only this time I knew someone who was also looking to get into the business and in general knew better how to navigate the modeling 'thing' now that I had a few friends shoots and trade shoots under my belt. I'm confident in myself now, more so than ever before. Comfortable with myself to boot. The best part is I get to share these wonderful feelings with a likeminded community now that I took the leap and did my hopeful shoot (and anxiously await being able to submit another set). Everyone has been so kind and welcoming and supportive. I love this SG Army and am a proud part of it. I only hope that my hard work pays off and I'll get to migrate from hopeful to official Suicide Girl here in 4 months when my set goes up.