Well its 2 weeks until my birthday...
and i'm very excitied.
I got my birthday gift today in the mail from my parents.
9 o'clock in the morning, I'm still in bed and my dog is going nuts, i then realise its because someone is knocking on my door.. so i get some pants on.
I'm sure this guy has seen worst in the morning. I must say.. i think i roll out of bed looking very nice, lucky husband.
I called my mom, who is 2 hours behind our time.. and still in bed. Took forever! to get her to answer the phone, and yell in her ear that I got my present. Which I knew what it was already, I just had to wait. Its a brand new pink ipod.. with my name on the back.. yeah.. to the ass hole who stole my birthday gift last year... try and get this one fucker!
I got one last year for my 19th birthday from my husband, but a lower than dirt human stole it out of my purse. bastard.
so a whole year later, i've got a pink one, which is better.. i love pink. But still last years memories were the best, my husband was so cute about it. I wish he was here to celebrate with me, i make a big deal out of my birthday.. i just get so excitied about being another year older, i don't think i'm going to be one of those ladies who don't like to say their age. I even do that added 1/2 to my age, when its getting to 6 months to my birthday.. and i like to celebrate my 1/2 birthday too.. i like birthdays.. nothing wrong with that.. is there.. no.
so there is a reason i never do blogs, because they never make sense to anyone but me.. i just jump around a whole bunch... much like i do in person. so please follow if you can.
I'm hoping to go down to texas either the weekend before or the weekend after my birthday, to spend some much needed time with my husband.
hes got a celly now, i get to talk to him numberous times a day, and text him. Not so much during the week because hes school, but def durning the weekend. And i talk to him after class.
It was fine the first months he was gone, while he was in basic. But now I'm tired of waiting and sharing him with the army. I'd like to have my husband back, i'm also tired of people asking.. oh did u get married before he left.. no.. we've been married for almost 2 years now.. idiots.. and i'm sorry there are people out there who don't get to enjoy marriage life before they leave for months, and years at a time. yes we got married young, and no its not because we have a kid, and its def not because he joined the army. and yes there is the chance he will go to war, but that is awhile down the road, he has to get through his training first and that can take years for him
we have a dog.
her name is Saleen Bug.
i dress her up in cute little outfits, and she loves it. There are the people who think its cruel to do that, but my dog positively loves this stuff, like today i bought her a hula skirt and lei.. yeah.. she was jumping all around while i got it out of the package to put it on her. She also loves to take pictures, so i'm hoping i'll get some pictures of her outside in it, and the new tank and hat i got her earlier this week.
my dog digs it.
i half want to rant and bitch about everything in my life right now, and the other half just wants to ramble.
its 1:30 in the morning, and i'm doing laundry, and wish'n i hadn't taken such a long nap today after sleeping in already.
i'm hoping that when the hubby calls me after PT in the morning that I'll just get out of bed and get stuff done before i have to work tomorrow...
yeah.. i have to work.... joy.
but its early in the week, so all it is going to be is stocking, and cleaning, and the once in awhile makeover, or ear piercing, or saleling stuff.
I'm closing tomorrow.....
i've gotten my industrial done, after a few years of wanting this.. its finally happened.. and i couldn't be more excitied.
so ready for some more.
i took some new photos, i'll add in my photos
and i think that is it...
so peace out bitches!
and i'm very excitied.
I got my birthday gift today in the mail from my parents.
9 o'clock in the morning, I'm still in bed and my dog is going nuts, i then realise its because someone is knocking on my door.. so i get some pants on.
I'm sure this guy has seen worst in the morning. I must say.. i think i roll out of bed looking very nice, lucky husband.
I called my mom, who is 2 hours behind our time.. and still in bed. Took forever! to get her to answer the phone, and yell in her ear that I got my present. Which I knew what it was already, I just had to wait. Its a brand new pink ipod.. with my name on the back.. yeah.. to the ass hole who stole my birthday gift last year... try and get this one fucker!
I got one last year for my 19th birthday from my husband, but a lower than dirt human stole it out of my purse. bastard.
so a whole year later, i've got a pink one, which is better.. i love pink. But still last years memories were the best, my husband was so cute about it. I wish he was here to celebrate with me, i make a big deal out of my birthday.. i just get so excitied about being another year older, i don't think i'm going to be one of those ladies who don't like to say their age. I even do that added 1/2 to my age, when its getting to 6 months to my birthday.. and i like to celebrate my 1/2 birthday too.. i like birthdays.. nothing wrong with that.. is there.. no.
so there is a reason i never do blogs, because they never make sense to anyone but me.. i just jump around a whole bunch... much like i do in person. so please follow if you can.
I'm hoping to go down to texas either the weekend before or the weekend after my birthday, to spend some much needed time with my husband.
hes got a celly now, i get to talk to him numberous times a day, and text him. Not so much during the week because hes school, but def durning the weekend. And i talk to him after class.
It was fine the first months he was gone, while he was in basic. But now I'm tired of waiting and sharing him with the army. I'd like to have my husband back, i'm also tired of people asking.. oh did u get married before he left.. no.. we've been married for almost 2 years now.. idiots.. and i'm sorry there are people out there who don't get to enjoy marriage life before they leave for months, and years at a time. yes we got married young, and no its not because we have a kid, and its def not because he joined the army. and yes there is the chance he will go to war, but that is awhile down the road, he has to get through his training first and that can take years for him
we have a dog.
her name is Saleen Bug.
i dress her up in cute little outfits, and she loves it. There are the people who think its cruel to do that, but my dog positively loves this stuff, like today i bought her a hula skirt and lei.. yeah.. she was jumping all around while i got it out of the package to put it on her. She also loves to take pictures, so i'm hoping i'll get some pictures of her outside in it, and the new tank and hat i got her earlier this week.
my dog digs it.
i half want to rant and bitch about everything in my life right now, and the other half just wants to ramble.
its 1:30 in the morning, and i'm doing laundry, and wish'n i hadn't taken such a long nap today after sleeping in already.
i'm hoping that when the hubby calls me after PT in the morning that I'll just get out of bed and get stuff done before i have to work tomorrow...
yeah.. i have to work.... joy.
but its early in the week, so all it is going to be is stocking, and cleaning, and the once in awhile makeover, or ear piercing, or saleling stuff.
I'm closing tomorrow.....
i've gotten my industrial done, after a few years of wanting this.. its finally happened.. and i couldn't be more excitied.
so ready for some more.
i took some new photos, i'll add in my photos
and i think that is it...
so peace out bitches!