You know, I find this site to be generally a pleasant and accepting place. I was a member years ago, recently came back, and have noticed the leaps and bounds in progress that have occurred.
I saw a post by a lady, can't recall who, who mentioned the saltiness and mean attitudes that some ladies thrust upon others; hopeful or what not... These interpersonal communications fly by me as an outside observer and I understand women to a degree, so this I can understand (yet don't accept).
Today however, I saw a hopeful lady's (very nice) set strewn with troll tags, all by dudes who want more. I won't say who or when, but for Pete's sake u yambags, if u want porn, go buy Hustler. I feel like most of these photosets are specifically designed to be artistic, regardless of how much the lady may show of what she chooses to. If u don't like it? Back off, stay the fuck away, and leave her alone. Go find a porn shop.
Maybe I'm wrong... Maybe this site is for that shit. But it wasn't when I used to be a member, and it doesn't seem so now...
Rant over. Drops mike.