ok so I'll take a break from the whining (though there is enough of that i could do)
but today a call came out of the bluse frome sone one had seen my work at the Artist eXcgange back inJanuary and through my website picked 2 pieces he want to buy - i can't give details on the buyer yet, but YAAAAAAAAYsales of my erotic work finally - ther exact 2 prints have to rmeian unknow for a while per the buyer's request, but will be revealed l. I am so pysched -
but i have to DJ at the club tonight so I will work on reproducing the prints tomorrow and have them reay for delivery this week - soooooooooooo
but today a call came out of the bluse frome sone one had seen my work at the Artist eXcgange back inJanuary and through my website picked 2 pieces he want to buy - i can't give details on the buyer yet, but YAAAAAAAAYsales of my erotic work finally - ther exact 2 prints have to rmeian unknow for a while per the buyer's request, but will be revealed l. I am so pysched -
but i have to DJ at the club tonight so I will work on reproducing the prints tomorrow and have them reay for delivery this week - soooooooooooo

that's awesome news!!!
wow am i a bad typist when i get super excited...