hi all - hadbeen having a great week and great time...then walking the 2 blocks to my local store (while i waited for the video from the minna show to render) like i do everyday life went to hell - or at least an enduring moment of hell.
i try to be nice to people - i try and smile at them and say hi when i pass them on the street sepecially in my neighborhood - it seems the right thing tto do
so i passed a couple lat night about a block and a half from my house- aid hi- they smiled backsaidwhat up man and we kept walking.....
next thing i know i was bludgeoned across the back of my head and getting smacked around by this guy who had just smiled at me and said hi - i don't know what he hit me with, but it was more than a fist - i know what a fist feels like....
he demanded money which i didn't hve moe than $5 for cigs and that was deep ina pocket i couldn't get to so after getting smacked all over the face and head he finally took my phone (useless to him really) but left me drenched in blood...
luckily it was right across from the store i go to and when the owner there stepped out my "assailant" aka stupid fucking asshole who i hope dies a bloody violent death - took off.
now i have over 30 stitched in various parts of my head and a couple teeth so displaced i can't fully close my jaw - one tooth almost went completely through my lower lip, so i eve have sitches in side my mouth.
pretty shaken up and freaked out causei have liked my neighborhood though it is a bit fringy and i llike walking placs and drving 2 blosk seems stupid, butnot sure i can do that anymore...
heavily doped on vicodin atm, butit is just barley dulling the pain.
i'm sad scard and hurt inside and out...
i try to be nice to people - i try and smile at them and say hi when i pass them on the street sepecially in my neighborhood - it seems the right thing tto do
so i passed a couple lat night about a block and a half from my house- aid hi- they smiled backsaidwhat up man and we kept walking.....
next thing i know i was bludgeoned across the back of my head and getting smacked around by this guy who had just smiled at me and said hi - i don't know what he hit me with, but it was more than a fist - i know what a fist feels like....
he demanded money which i didn't hve moe than $5 for cigs and that was deep ina pocket i couldn't get to so after getting smacked all over the face and head he finally took my phone (useless to him really) but left me drenched in blood...
luckily it was right across from the store i go to and when the owner there stepped out my "assailant" aka stupid fucking asshole who i hope dies a bloody violent death - took off.
now i have over 30 stitched in various parts of my head and a couple teeth so displaced i can't fully close my jaw - one tooth almost went completely through my lower lip, so i eve have sitches in side my mouth.
pretty shaken up and freaked out causei have liked my neighborhood though it is a bit fringy and i llike walking placs and drving 2 blosk seems stupid, butnot sure i can do that anymore...
heavily doped on vicodin atm, butit is just barley dulling the pain.
i'm sad scard and hurt inside and out...

yeah, I can understand irrationality in a situation like that. Somewhat excusable though, he did mug you after all.
WHAT THE FUCK???...bro....im really sorry u had to go through that..