ahhhh to forgetfulness...and i hope you all enjoyed the show...unlike others it was not iniitentional but neither i nor acheron really care so makes it just fine.
bleh - now on to the days chore of making copy slides...woudl so much rather be doing new work than taking pics of stuff i have already done but that would mean paying someone else to do it and that woudl mean not getting to make new stuff cause iw oudl nto have the money for materials and bleh - oh well - so it goes...
bleh - now on to the days chore of making copy slides...woudl so much rather be doing new work than taking pics of stuff i have already done but that would mean paying someone else to do it and that woudl mean not getting to make new stuff cause iw oudl nto have the money for materials and bleh - oh well - so it goes...

If not, i have a lot of 35mm slr stuff that you can use any time. Good luck, but it sounds like you got in under control!!