ughhh - been hellishly sick on and off for well over a week now - mostly my fault for pushing things too hard and not taking very good care of myself. Still have deadlines but this flu thing has finally hit a point where i have to say oh well and let them go cause i am not gonna gtt over this any other way.
i feel like i never get to see acheron anymore and i miss her - soooo much. She's busy, i'm busy - i have been sick etc. no one's fault but it just sucks. especially as i have to leave for back east dec 10 and won't be back until dec 27th and then she will be in LA and not sure when she gets back etc...meh - it sucks
not in the best of moods - still i think if i go on i will just get bitchier so i will shut up now.
i feel like i never get to see acheron anymore and i miss her - soooo much. She's busy, i'm busy - i have been sick etc. no one's fault but it just sucks. especially as i have to leave for back east dec 10 and won't be back until dec 27th and then she will be in LA and not sure when she gets back etc...meh - it sucks
not in the best of moods - still i think if i go on i will just get bitchier so i will shut up now.