my oh my this little box is sorely in need of an update. I keep meaning to get around to it, but it always takes a back seat to other things as nothing i have had to say seems all that impactful really until NOW....
ok the level of impactfulness of course is related to how close you are to me, which mean it probably impacts those of you here very little
But ummmm So I have gotten 2 pieces of my work accepted into a group show in San Francisco. This will be the first time I have had anything publicly shown outside of school shows. Granted I probably could have had stuff shown, if i had been willing to crawl out from under the bed and show it around. I just dropped off the work today and had a great talk with the gallery director. Even up until I went in annd handed the work over I was afraid they would say they changed their mind and that it wasn't good enough. Quite to the contrary, he asked to see more of my work and said it loooked "even more beatiful than the previews" So the potential is there for showing other stuff there in the future beyond just this show.
Now I desperately need to find a way to raise cash to continue producing new stuff. My car broke down(timing belts) which took all the extra money from a the little freelance work i picked up this month so the savings may have to get tapped into. Additionally I need some more models for my current series - more on all of this another day.
More specifically to this post for those in SF, the show is an erotic art show called "Erotic City" being held at the Artist Xchange gallery at 3169 16th St (between Geurerro & Valencia just across the street from "The Pork Store") It is running from Friday Sept 24th - Sunday Oct 3rd. The opening reception is Friday Sept 24th from 7pm-10pm and admission is free. i will post this on the SFSG group calendar as well.
ok - that shoudl cover the update needs for the moment - now i must gesso more canvas
ok the level of impactfulness of course is related to how close you are to me, which mean it probably impacts those of you here very little

But ummmm So I have gotten 2 pieces of my work accepted into a group show in San Francisco. This will be the first time I have had anything publicly shown outside of school shows. Granted I probably could have had stuff shown, if i had been willing to crawl out from under the bed and show it around. I just dropped off the work today and had a great talk with the gallery director. Even up until I went in annd handed the work over I was afraid they would say they changed their mind and that it wasn't good enough. Quite to the contrary, he asked to see more of my work and said it loooked "even more beatiful than the previews" So the potential is there for showing other stuff there in the future beyond just this show.
Now I desperately need to find a way to raise cash to continue producing new stuff. My car broke down(timing belts) which took all the extra money from a the little freelance work i picked up this month so the savings may have to get tapped into. Additionally I need some more models for my current series - more on all of this another day.
More specifically to this post for those in SF, the show is an erotic art show called "Erotic City" being held at the Artist Xchange gallery at 3169 16th St (between Geurerro & Valencia just across the street from "The Pork Store") It is running from Friday Sept 24th - Sunday Oct 3rd. The opening reception is Friday Sept 24th from 7pm-10pm and admission is free. i will post this on the SFSG group calendar as well.
ok - that shoudl cover the update needs for the moment - now i must gesso more canvas

congrats on the show. I will come by and check it out. what sort of work do you do?