one more month 'til i move into my new place with my girlfriend. i'm soooo excited i can hardly contain myself. things have been going well lately. i'm so in love it's almost sick, and to still be this in love after we've been dating for this long is quite unusual for me. i'm usually ready to move on after about two weeks. i think...
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My life is exactly like Groundhog Day. I've fallen asleep everynight this week to that movie. Can't get enough of it.

This week is going to be tiring. Five straight days of working outside in 92-95 degree weather. I'm going to need a long nap after its over.

I've just finished a stretch like that. It's great when it's over.
ooo aaa
92-95? hey it could be worse...you could be out in 110 degree weather! grrrr.. mad
I like that movie...I want to watch it now. confused
dammit i don't want to go to work today. is not there any other way?

so can i rave some more about how incredibly cool my new computer is? it is absolutely amazing.

i'm so excited! my whole family is coming to my 1 year sobriety birthday celebration tonight. it is going to be so much fun.

i'm out.

boy oh boy have i been missing in action or what? jeez. well the good news is that i got a brand spanking new mac laptop. its in-fucking-credible. i love it! life has been great here lately. just celebrated one year of sobriety last week. just having a grand ole time.

Welcome back.
Good on ya' on the Mac.

(The Ryhme is free.)

ooo aaa
i got my septum pierced last week. it looks hot. can't wait to get my new pics online. i've been completely awol from here for a while for several reasons. girlfriend, work, etc. but i'm still doing well.

take care.

YAY!!! what a great piercing, huh?!! I love mine..cant wait for the pix!!!! wink biggrin
Yay! A new hole!

ooo aaa
boy am i an update slacker lately. its been a tough couple of weeks, my best friend moved back to kentucky, and i found out my uncle who has cancer doesn't have a good prognosis. life has been moving along though, just had eight months sober on sunday. i start my new job at the home depot next week, which i can't wait for. i...
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141 sycamore st
Decatur GA 30030
wow, its been a minute since i updated. not much has changed though. starting a new job next week, can't wait to finally have income flow. its my best friends last week in atlanta. he's moving back to kentucky thursday. that's going to suck really bad.

Congrats on the new job! What will you be doing?
today was awesome. i drove one of my friends around running errands this morning, which was definitely what i needed; it helped me get out of my own head for a while. then i had lunch with my grandmother who's in town from florida. it was most excellent. i felt better today than i have in a long time. and to top it off, it...
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thanks man!
i woke my lazy ass up early this morning and ran three miles. i couldn't believe i actually made it without stopping once. it felt really good and i'm going to start trying to do it more regularly. i've been lifting weights regularly for almost seven months now, but i've been neglecting cardio, only doing little bits here and there. now i'm off to a...
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ooh jeesh!! go you!! i couldnt do it, im so outta shape haha.
congrats tho!! thats awesome, keep it up smile