I have to work this weekend, which came out of nowhere. It seemed like that one scene off of the movie Office Space. It kind of killed all my plains for the weekend....well did kill them, there was a bunch of stuff I had to do. I was supposed to be buying a car this weekend and now I have to just wait, which really fucking sucks cause I was looking forward to it all week. And Guitar Center is have a huge sale some kind of winter blow out, and I'm not there....life sucks.
Aw. Sorry you can't make it to the party
But you have to go when I have another party! Hehe. Hope you have a good week. Don't stress out too much.

i love office space.. did u know pauls business is in fall brook... so lift that foot up and kick his ass.. was that a total asshole thing to do? i did go to flordia to see carlos... but he was coming back ... even tho he did not....we do not have a commitement between paul and i... but why does he always call and we go out sometimess... wtf is up with him? kick him hard for me