Alright I know that I havent been lurking around much sense Ive got back and Im sorry, but I just got back you know. I have things to do and people to see I havent had much time for the whole internet thing.
I think its safe to say that I had a pretty good four day weekend. Thursday night I kicked it with a few old friends which was kind of weird because it was at the point where we really didnt connect any more, like we forgot the reason we hung out with each. But its all good because Friday I went out with Joey and Jess to Dave and Busters for a few hours, got drunk and played video gameswhat else could you ask for in a bar? Saturday I went to Jesss game which they lostits ok though cause Joey and me snuck some 40s in to kill the pain of seeing Jess getting his face pounded in. Afterwards we all when to Dicks Last Resort which is the best Bar/Grill in the world. After Dicks we went bar hopping downtown a bit. Some cute girl grab my ass and my drunk ass thought she was trying to lift my wallet so I yelled at her, and I found that my wallet was in my jacket.then she ran offIm such a fucking loser jezzz. Anyways that night actually was pretty fun. It was a guys night out Jess need to get away from his wife I think (even though he got in trouble for it) and Joeys girlfriendwell I guess they need time apart for the night to. Well Sunday night I went to the movies with Joe and Lara, and Lara seems to be a lot nicer these days. I always thought that she didnt like me very much, but she was very cool to me.
Well tomorrow I mush go back to workfor three days, then go on vacation hahaha. Im that same day Im going up to Vegas to watch Jesss game and send the weekend. After that I havent a clue what the hell Im going to do for a month. By the end of Oct. Ill end up in really good shape or a drunkmaybe both. Maybe I should try and get a girlfriend or somethingack maybe not. I cant deal with myself right now let a lone another person, oh well. Till next time I write, if anybody actually reads this fucking thing.

I think its safe to say that I had a pretty good four day weekend. Thursday night I kicked it with a few old friends which was kind of weird because it was at the point where we really didnt connect any more, like we forgot the reason we hung out with each. But its all good because Friday I went out with Joey and Jess to Dave and Busters for a few hours, got drunk and played video gameswhat else could you ask for in a bar? Saturday I went to Jesss game which they lostits ok though cause Joey and me snuck some 40s in to kill the pain of seeing Jess getting his face pounded in. Afterwards we all when to Dicks Last Resort which is the best Bar/Grill in the world. After Dicks we went bar hopping downtown a bit. Some cute girl grab my ass and my drunk ass thought she was trying to lift my wallet so I yelled at her, and I found that my wallet was in my jacket.then she ran offIm such a fucking loser jezzz. Anyways that night actually was pretty fun. It was a guys night out Jess need to get away from his wife I think (even though he got in trouble for it) and Joeys girlfriendwell I guess they need time apart for the night to. Well Sunday night I went to the movies with Joe and Lara, and Lara seems to be a lot nicer these days. I always thought that she didnt like me very much, but she was very cool to me.
Well tomorrow I mush go back to workfor three days, then go on vacation hahaha. Im that same day Im going up to Vegas to watch Jesss game and send the weekend. After that I havent a clue what the hell Im going to do for a month. By the end of Oct. Ill end up in really good shape or a drunkmaybe both. Maybe I should try and get a girlfriend or somethingack maybe not. I cant deal with myself right now let a lone another person, oh well. Till next time I write, if anybody actually reads this fucking thing.
You rock! Mark Ryden is awesome too! And your movie/music tastes in general! We must hang out!
I have dinner with the hubby this Sat night... whatcha doin.. Monday?