Woo hoo. Sunday, it seems this sunday may actually be relaxing, which i need. Alls i have to do is pull a few hours of maintenance on my tank and i'm golden. hopefully nothing will happen today so we don't have go out on patrol.
Funny thing happened the other day. The Military Police accidentally discharged an antitank rocket. It hit an antenna on a humvee, if it hadn't i would've come straight into my building. Dumbass MP's, they're a bunch of shitbags anyways lol.
turns out they said someone dropped it and it went off, but there's 3 safeties on the thing and on top of that, someone in a guard tower reported seeing them holding it, Also, there's no scorch marks on the ground as there would be if someone dropped it. Ah, another day, another dollar.
Well, not much else going on except the same old boredom, same old shit , different day.
Funny thing happened the other day. The Military Police accidentally discharged an antitank rocket. It hit an antenna on a humvee, if it hadn't i would've come straight into my building. Dumbass MP's, they're a bunch of shitbags anyways lol.

Well, not much else going on except the same old boredom, same old shit , different day.


no I don't think you sounded like you were ranting. I understand that what I was saying kinda attacks your job/way of life. but think of it this way. what if you were the total opposite? If you've never held a gun. Never even really seen a gun up close. the tought of someone who may use a gun like second nature teaching your child. molding him would scare the shit out of you.