Here I go. Same thing I did in my home state, Alaska. I have earned my place at the top of the "people's court". For lack of a better word for it. Sitting with people of real power, not just at the table of one people's either. Though I am focusing on one table at a time. My actions, my use of knowledge, my personal boundaries, are changing in me. It has to. If I am to careless, I could get hurt. I still haven't pledged to any group. And I don't need to. And am not going to. So i am on my own, by myself, experiencing and learning shit that I really know nothing about. That's me though. Always seeking knowledge.

Through this life experience I have gained a.real friend. I need to consider that. It wasn't really my intent and it is very good. also put more value on the situation. I must be more careful. I must take steps to not bring dRama from one side to and another. If the end result ends in violence, I have to take responsibility for that. If I can see, and it is seen, that I made a mistake leading to the violence, then I must answer for that and help defend.