I don't suppose anyone likes to go to work everyday. I tend to like being at work, just don't like to get ready for work. I like the work, it just doesn't feel natural to me to have to go work and earn pay everyday. But that is how it is designed. So what though. A person has to do something everyday anyways. Mines well make something out of life. One way or another.
I have been broke on purpose, chose to live life on the streets. I have chose to break my morals before, thus my morale broke as well, just to have it all. This time when I got kicked to the streets it was different. I chose not to break my moral codes, as a result, my morale never broke. I only chose four morals to abide by, wich are, I never deal, steal, kill, or fuck.
I never understood why I chose those specific things not to do. I simply prayed for a plan and that is part of it. I still hold true to those few. As time went on I figured, I chose not to do those things because that is how the street makes money. So I wanted to be different. So by not doing those four things I left my self with only one choice, I had to find a job. Then labor systems got in my mind. (A temporary job service). That work great to keep a person working and still have no roof over their head.